How would you respond if hostile aliens attacked our planet? Would you rally and fight back? Would you just try to survive? Or would you try to join them? In this post I would like to share one of my favorite tv shows: Falling Skies. The mystery challenge in this post will be: Why do the aliens invade Earth in Falling Skies? It comes down to one word. It can be found in the post, just follow the train. See if you can figure it out.
Falling Skies centers around the story of Tom Mason and his family. Before the invasion, Tom was a History Professor. He has three sons; Matt, age 8 I believe, Ben, age 13 or 14, and Hal, age 17 or 18. Early on after the first attack where many people were murdered by the aliens, Ben was captured. The aliens go after the kids and put something on their backs that controls them. Then they basically are slaves working for the aliens. Tom Mason and the other two kids must leave their home; Boston, Massachusetts. They join a small group of people who call themselves the 2nd Massachusetts or 2nd Mass. They plan on fighting back against the aliens to take back their home. As Tom says when they are leaving the city, “Retreat, regroup, return, revenge.”
Falling Skies will take you into a mysterious world where aliens have taken over. The story of Falling Skies is not about aliens, but about how people can overcome major tragedies. The characters are awesome and reveal what it takes. You see, when a tragedy like this happens, you need different kinds of people. You need people who are creative, tough, and kind of crazy. You need people who can fight, one way or another, and people who think differently. Falling Skies reveals the value in a lot of people that many times the world doesn’t see.
What will it take for Tom Mason and the 2nd Mass to win the war against the aliens? I;ll give you a hint:
At one point Tom Mason is talking to one of his sons after he had managed to escape the aliens and return to the 2nd Mass. His son is struggling with how the aliens have tried to mess with him. He tells Tom, “The key is hate. If you hate them, then they can’t get in your head.”
Tom answers, “You’re right, hate is a powerful emotion, and I hate them too, but it wasn’t my hate that kept me going all these months. It was my love for you and your brothers.”