To the students of Canderras, this is my message. My name is Casen Cavoray. I’m from the Kingdom of Devonmay, City of Heyvas Ivydames. We are called the star gazers. We have a seven-tiered city of dark towers that have a kind of gold dust all over them so they glow at night. We sit up high on the rooftops under the bright coloured palms where sharp coloured birds sing, and study the stars. The stars can show the way. (That’s because they dance in the dark) They shine deep in the dark sky, yet from a great distance we see them. We like studying the stars and planets, especially now, you know? I wonder where they came from, what disgusting planet they call home. It has to be somewhere up there. It probably has tons of creepy bugs all over it. What I really wonder is why did they come here? What do they really want?

I get in trouble in school a lot. We have these teachers called Carmores. They’re supposed to be the elite teachers and they demand that we excel in the high subjects. They wear these stupid blue robes and funny square hats. They’re also as boring as grass. They demand that we sit still and listen quietly. I hate quiet. I hate silence. Sometimes, when it’s way too quiet, I just burst out singing really loud, usually a song about farm animals. But that’s not why I get in trouble. Well, I do sometimes get in trouble for that too, but that’s not the big reason. I get in trouble because I care.

The aliens say I’m stupid because of how I act. That’s why they rank me BlackStar. When I get upset, sometimes I just lose it. I just feel this like exploding inside and it’s really hard to contain. They say I’m stupid because I yell out and hit things, because they say that doesn’t solve anything. I’m not trying to solve it, just trying to somehow deal with the pain inside…

Yesterday, I got in trouble again, but it wasn’t for getting mad. I didn’t turn any tables over or break any mirrors, or a throw a shoe at the chandelier knocking it down to the ground and shattering (I only did that once). Yesterday, I got in trouble because I couldn’t stop crying…

Yesterday, the teacher was teaching a really boring lesson. I almost fell asleep several times. I don’t know if she was teaching about math or gardening, she kept talking about square roots. I don’t know. It’s another mystery I guess, but we can solve that one another time. During the lesson, my classmate Maddie was drawing a picture. The alien saw it, stood up, and just pointed directly at her. The teacher found it. She had drawn a really colourful picture of Casenmay Candy Shop. It showed the small shop with all the rows of candy. There was dust on the floor and on all the candy jars. Dark shadows stretched from the dark blue glass windows, down the rows. The small, square pool in the center of the room was completely still, no ripples, and the front desk was empty. The teacher took the picture, barely looked at it, and without saying anything, burned it.

Maddie left the room after that, and I followed. I sat with her for awhile. They told me to go back to class, but I wouldn’t. I stayed with her, crying with her. That’s when they pulled me into the office, but I wouldn’t stop crying. They lectured me about the importance of the subjects and getting high grades. They lectured me about the importance of listening and paying attention to the teachers in class, not getting distracted drawing pictures. But they didn’t understand. They just didn’t get it. Maybe you do.

I knew her grandma had just died. She didn’t tell me. I knew it from her picture. Her grandma owned Casenmay Candy Shop. I went there all the time, a lot of us did. I did the same thing every time. I would go through every row, lift up a lid, look at the candy, then put it down. After about an hour I would finally pick one, the same one I always did. Anyway, we joked about how clean it was. She was always dusting, cleaning every chance she got. She also sang. You could hear her singing when you came up the channel toward the shop. I saw Maddie’s picture, and I knew what must have happened, and it broke my heart.

There’s something the aliens want from us, but they seem to be afraid of something, something we’re capable of. So they keep trying to shut us down. But there’s a way we can all be free, a way we can fly. You have to really look, really listen, not follow some already written plan. What you really care about will show the way for all the students. Then when the aliens see them, they’ll see who we really are. But they seem more afraid of us finding out who they are…

The climber must be determined to see

By flying to find your way is the key

Sometimes dance your way to be free

The way up, you will go step by step

Let your heart lead, blind you to prep

What you feel deep shows them how to rep



“The Kingdom of Marcaydas will fall under their shadow
Students will stare in a trance at the new school’s glow
Our schools have fallen into dreary darkness and decay
Our teachers who were once great have lost their way
Their arrogance is masked by a confident appearance
Their greed is hidden by their constant heroic stance
Our leaders have deceived themselves into a new low
They believe they need to be flashy, putting on a show
Our students are being deceived with bright dreams
Yet what they think they will become is not what it seems
They have a great desire to be on stage, the only star
When they begin to fall short, they will fall so far

You will first appear to them during the misty debate
You will know at first, who you can trust for your fate
Two teachers will stand strong against the popular force
They have a mysterious power of strength to stay on course
They have discovered the secret truth to spark the fire
They shine with the brilliant light revealed by Carolmire
Because of her strong direction and awesome song
His hope will not disappear or fade
Because he leads him to the mountain peak despite being so long
He believes in the dream of Cade
The revolution will truly begin in the eerie dark hallway
You and your friends must be inspired, yet not by what they say
You see, the two teachers will not be seen in the fight
But the true elite students will follow them to the light
They’ll be heard singing; notes strong and bright
Despite the challenge, the danger, they’ll stand for what’s right
Their true worth will be revealed soon, in the Silent Night”

The next night Cade and Blake moved up the slope toward the CANDLES Path. A bizarre blue light flashed just beyond the hilltop. Cade started up the slope, but Blake pulled him back.

“Wait a minute,” he said. “I heard something.” The kids got down low, staring up the dark green slope. Birds called out from the heavy forest of Dence Evergreens in the surrounding hills. Chilling winds rushed through. The slanted, dark blue trees swayed in circles looking like ghosts dancing in the night. Dark spirits lined up across the top of the hill. “What we do now?” Cade stared up at them for a few moments, then turned to Blake with a calm smile.

“We play a game.”

“Are you crazy? This isn’t the time for a slide race.”

“I think it is.” Blake stared at him in disbelief. “Slowly go over to the far left and stay low. Wait for my signal, then follow me.”

“I don’t know…”

“Come on, what’s the worst that could happen?”


“Just trust me.” Blake sighed heavily, then with a shrug he crawled across the hill.

“Such a convincing argument,” he muttered on his way to the far side. Cade took his blue glowing shell out and held it low by his side. He whispered to himself with eyes closed, then shot up the hill directly toward the dark ghosts. They glided down toward him. Just as they closed in on him, he stopped. Blake watched with raised eyes as Cade dove, sliding down the slick grass with his shell lighting him up. The dark spirits rushed down after him. Then Cade flashed his light down the hill, stopped, and shot up the hill to the left, hiding his light. He waved for Blake and the two kids sprinted up the slick hill. The ghosts kept rushing down the hill past them.

“You know they won’t want to play with you next time,” said Blake.

“Yeah, they’re sore losers,” said Cade, flashing a smile as they reached the top. A few minutes later they reached Carolmire Mountain. Cade gazed up at the bright alien lights shooting up from the mountain top. Eerie organ notes pounded from the high steep ridges along both sides of the rocky path.

“Sounds like the show’s already beginning,” said Blake. Cade glanced up at the dark clouds powering across the night sky. Breaking moonlight began lighting up the dark stone slope ahead of them. “So where are they this time?”

“It’s midnight,” said Cade. Then with eyes lit he added, “We’re about to find out.” He shot up the dark stones, flying up the relatively steep slope.

“I hate it when he does that.” Blake charged up after him. Dark shadows moved in quick bursts along the ridges. Wide, triangular evergreens called Candle Evergreens began appearing in wavy rows going up the slope in the distance far ahead looking like blurry colourful flowing sheets. The kids moved fast up the slope slowly curving to the left toward the distant glowing peak. The Candle Evergreens started coming in clearer ahead with their star shaped dark green leaves. They held candles in various bright colours. “I don’t hear any dark spirits yet.”

“Maybe they fell asleep,” said Cade still flying ahead. After about fifteen minutes the kids made their way around the bend. Chilling winds rushed up from behind whistling through the Candles Evergreens. The rows of lights flashed in waves to the rhythm of the strong mysterious organ chords. There were seven rows in colours of white, gold, green, red, blue, purple, and orange. Blake looked back to see dark shadows creeping up the slope.

“I think they’re after us.”

“Let the games begin.” The kids moved fast up the dimly lit stones. “Stay in the shadows, stay low.”

“We could climb one of them,” said Blake pointing to the evergreens. Cade nodded.

“Let’s get ahead.” The kids pushed hard. Chilling winds pushed harder down on them, now from up the slope. Deep organ chords playing an eerie, roaming melody pulsed through the seven rows. The kids felt the strong rush through the white candle rows directly ahead. They got down low, struggling ahead. Ghostly shapes of white, gold, and green danced in the chilling winds. Cade started angling to the right. “We’ll head up that one,” he added, pointing ahead to the far right.
“Which one?” asked Blake. The mysterious pounding song played a sad, dream-like melody. This music floated through the night.
“The awkward looking one.”
“They all look awkward.”
“The one, this one right up here, see?” Cade pointed as they pushed further right.
“The one with the half-moon shape branch?” Chilling winds kept driving them back.
“That one?” Blake pointed ahead to the first Candle Evergreen in the row of completely still triangular shapes under a red glaze directly ahead. Cade sighed dramatically and shook his head. He glanced back momentarily. Dark shadows crept closer towards them. Cade took another sharp turn to the right. Ghostly shapes of blue, purple, and orange danced in the hard driving winds.
“Be ready, almost there,” said Cade with a half-smile, half-concerned, twisted expression.
“Almost where?”
“Why don’t you just climb the one I start climbing?” Dark mists started swirling ahead.
“Why didn’t you just say that in the first place?” asked Blake. Cade just hung his head for a moment.

“Let’s move, move, get ahead.” The kids hurried up the stones toward the last row of dancing ghostly orange Candle Evergreens. “Be ready, it’s just ahead.” Blake just shook his head. He glanced back at the distant dark spirits. Then Cade scrambled up the branches of a swaying orange-lit tree. He flew up the wide branches looking like shelves. He got down low as Blake stopped and looked around. He turned back. Dark spirits were approaching fast.
“What are you looking for, a ladder?”
“Do you see one?”
“NO! HURRY UP!” Blake looked around anxiously, then hurried up toward Cade. The kids got down low, huddled near the trunk. Dark spirits rushed past them gliding up the row. Sour horns blared out. Alien lights shot out, lighting up all the colourful dancing ghost-like trees in the chilling winds.

“I think they see us,” whispered Blake. The kids strained to see in the blinding green lights. More horns blew from the upper ridges. Slim, tall dark figures appeared standing in the lights at the top of the ridge across from them. “It’s them,” Blake said quietly. The orange lights kept flickering to the pounding song. The candles around them swayed in a sad, dream-like melody floating through the night. As they watched, dark spirits turned back heading in their direction. More dark spirits rushed up the slope toward them as well.

“Do you think they see us?” asked Cade.

“What does that tell you?” asked Blake pointing to the tall, slim figures on the high ridge. One of them was pointing directly at them.



Cade Mayson says he doesn’t believe he can see the future. He just believes he can predict what people are going to do and what major events are going to happen in the future. He has an interesting routine, but first, it’s time to reveal the answer for the last mystery challenge. If you haven’t read the bonus story, MYSTERY OF THE ALIENS’ SECRET ON CAROLMIRE MOUNTAIN, check it out. You can find it by clicking on the page, LIST OF POSTS. See if you can solve each mystery challenge. The mystery for Chapter Three was, what word do the aliens have for the LANTERNS PATH? This will give another clue to the greater mystery of which path can the students take past the alien defenses? Here is the answer:

WAY: The aliens see the Lanterns Path as the Way.

You’re walking with Cade to school. You’re talking about what loads of schoolwork you still have to do and arguing over whether the big Science Test is today or tomorrow, and then all the sudden he just stops. He gets down on one knee, closes his eyes with his hands forming a triangle in front of his face. He’ll probably start whispering quietly to himself. It might even sound like he’s arguing with himself, and maybe he is, no one really knows for sure. It could last for a few minutes or even a few hours. One time he did this on the way to school with Blake three years ago when they were in third grade. One minute they were arguing about which one of them would win in a fight if they had to tie their hands and feet and had to stay ten feet apart. The next minute Cade was in his trance. Blake tried to talk to him, but he didn’t hear anything. Blake even started yelling about bears attacking and Cade still kept still, whispering to himself. What unusual dreams, interests, or abilities do you have? Leave a comment below. Cade once saw something mysterious in the hills west of Cashes Dade. He saw mysterious lights flash. After three hours, he finally stood up, and made this prediction:

“It will begin with mysterious disappearances in the field

Look at how all the farmers are getting the same yield

The colour white will soon be worth so much more

Wearing the colour black with pride could start a war

Look for the glittering ripples flashing across the sea

Soon all the students will wish they could become free

Aliens will invade our world in time to save us from illness

We will place our hope in them to relieve our distress

Dark storms are coming for us in glittering, flashing waves

They’ll overpower our schools sending failing students to the graves

Students with intense determination will have dark dreams at night

Yet they will give aliens nightmares about the mysterious distant light”


I went out to climb the same mountain I’ve done before a few times, the one to the right of Blodgett Peak. I got to the top and saw a peak in the distance that I wanted to get to so I went along the ridge and made my way to the top and found out that it was Blodgett Peak! The trail was steep. It was a tough climb, but it was awesome.

I’m not sure this is the best time to bring up 911. I don’t think anyone will forget the line, “We have some planes.” When I was climbing the Air Force was flying planes in the area. I could hear them, but I couldn’t see them. It was a reminder of how strong my country is. We have a lot of planes. There’s a lot of evil in this world, but there are many other great countries in this world as well. I was reminded that there is a lot of good in this world and we have a lot of power.

This is not the trail. I found my own way to the top.
Don’t fall.
With my “trail” you get a great view the entire time.
I finally found Blodgett Peak!
A view of Colorado Springs from the top.
Another view from the top.
Here’s one restaurant that’s open. This is where I had lunch; great view of Pikes Peak, but not a great place to sit.
From the top, you can barely see the mountains behind Denver.


The Carolmire Prophecy is about to be revealed. Can you solve this mystery challenge? What is the hidden image in the sky shown in the picture above? The following prophecy will show clues to what the answer is. Find out the intriguing answer which will in turn be a clue to the deep secret the aliens are hiding. If you have a guess at what is hidden in the picture leave a comment below. Now, get ready to enter the city of Carolmire in the mysterious far northern kingdom called “CHRISTMAS LAND.”


“It began when the aliens mysteriously ranked us all BlackStar

They claim our constant dancing meant we’d never make it far

We were bright and energetic, with music in us all the time

Yet somehow that is why we failed, our energy our only crime

The key to the mystery is what is found under the broken clock

Once you find what is hidden, the deep secret you will begin to unlock

So the time came then, we had to leave the school we’d made our own

They sent us to live in the freezing cold , isolated and alone

The aliens claim we are a cancer to the world; we have no right

We are allowed to live only by mining for them the glowing crystal light

We always live in the cold darkness, the time of winter stays frozen still

So in the dark night our citizens keep a candle lit up on their window sill

We only see dim light during the day, and it’s so dark at night

Yet we are miners so we know how to find the distant light

We celebrate Christmas once every month, so our city is always bright

We play the music all the time, singing in the streets, an awesome sight

On every Christmas Eve we sing Silent Night while gazing at the sky

Then for one week we stay at home letting our fires rise so high

We will never forget the night we saw him, climbing in the dead of night

He was heading for the aliens hidden secret-their green glowing light

On a silent night we finally had hope our dark fight would be won

We’ll never tell the aliens that we know his name is Cade Mayson”


“They saw us, the ghosts, I mean. The windows turned bright green like on fire. Dark ghostly figures flew out of the windows. The dark spirits were after us.

Blake turned to me and said, ‘Cade, we’ve got to move, now.’ We ran along the ridge. We started to pass the empty ghost city up close. We passed dark, rotting, broken towers with empty streets curving in and out through the city. It was chilling silence except we heard several ghosts in the distance groaning, like in circles, getting louder and louder, then quieter and quieter. I turned back momentarily. I saw dark flashes on the trail along the ridge. Blake pointed to the shadowy forest in the valley below. I said, ‘That’s too scary.’

He looked at me like I was crazy and asked, ‘That’s more scary than being chased by dark spirits?’ I thought about it for a moment while we sprinted ahead. I nodded, ‘Yeah. They may be haunted.’

He was like, ‘Come on, Cade.’ He knows how I joke. He was getting kind of irritated so I told him I had a plan which was mostly true. Bright red clouds crashed directly over us, thundering like an explosion. They cut through the black towers with dark blue stained glass windows. I started to hear singing again, ghosts singing, the same haunting song as before, swaying up and up, then down. Their voices were really hollow and sad. They echoed across the empty streets.

Blake turned to me and said, ‘They’re getting close.’ We started hearing their fast-paced whispers. Chilling winds started pulling at us from behind. ‘If you have a plan, now would be a good time,’ I heard Blake say. I took out my blue shell that flashes a blue light with my shadow. It’s hard to explain. ‘When I count to ten, break right.’

‘Why do you have to count to ten?’

‘So we go at the same time.’

‘Then just say, ‘Break right.’ You don’t have to count.’

‘If I don’t count, you won’t be ready.’

‘Yeah I will. I’ll see the light flash and that’s when we go. I’m not stupid.’

‘I didn’t say you were stupid.’

‘I didn’t say you did.’ I glanced back. I saw dark hands reaching towards us. ‘Ready now,’ I said. I let the light flash. I dove and slid all the way down the hill while Blake sprinted down. I looked up. The dark shadows disappeared over the ridge. Me and Blake celebrated. We tried one of those chest bumps, but I went too high and he went too low and we both went down. Then we started jogging around the rest of the ghost city. It was really quiet even with the ghosts’ singing. I gazed up at the aliens’ flag they raise high over every city. It’s blue with a white star in the center, that always glows softly in the moonlight, but it’s five lines that don’t quite connect. I hate it. They raised it over our city and our school. They think it’s all theirs now. I saw faces in the windows, just staring at us. They had different expressions that were just frozen like that, but I heard them whispering to us. Then we stopped cold. The clouds parted overhead. Breaking moonlight lit up a ghost in hazy green. We could barely see him. He was sitting out on a bench just staring out into the empty street.

He said in a low, hollow voice, ‘They never saw me. They never saw me. I should have been seen, but they never saw me.’ I looked and saw his shirt glowing softly on his shoulders where I saw he had a BlackStar patch. Me and Blake hurried ahead. The slow rhythmic booming started up again, growing louder and louder. The ghosts’ sad song grew quieter but more clear. We were almost at the edge about to break away into the hills back to Dayces Cameron. Then Blake asked the question I didn’t want to ask.

‘What if this is where the BlackStar Students live when they die?’ I would discover the answer to that question much later, and it shocked me. We turned the last corner. Dark shadows fell away behind us. The dark spirits would be back soon. Then we saw it; a massive clock glowing green against the red sky. The haunting song echoed around it, going around and around. I could finally hear what they were singing, over and over, the same lines, over and over and over.”

“The clock is ticking, they wait for their time where they lean

The dark ghosts are singing, their desperate hope to be seen”