Cade Mayson will do anything to avoid doing his chores, either at school or home. He is well known for waiting until the very last minute to do anything he doesn’t want to do. He finds chores incredibly boring and often pointless. He would rather be doing something important like planning the revolution or playing tag. What he hates the most about chores is getting dumb songs stuck in his head. You’ll know when that happens because you’ll see him with his hands over his face groaning as if he’s suffering some kind of torture, which is exactly how he sees it.
One time when Cade’s parents were gone on a business trip, he had to get the home cleaned up before they came back. Actually, it was supposed to be kept clean the entire time, but when Cade and his friends threw eggs on the floor that somehow kept it from staying clean. Cade had two weeks to get the home clean, but he waited until the last day, in fact, he waited until the last hour. He had to dust everything and clean the floors (including the eggs). He had an hour. He flew through the home dusting everything. Then, to clean the floors, he poured buckets of water everywhere, practically flooding the place. He mopped the floor by taking the mop off the stick, throwing it on the floor, then with a running start he jumped on the mop and slid with it as far as he could. He did this over and over again, and that is how Cade Mayson cleans floors.
That’s not the only unusual method Cade has when doing chores. Once in school, he had to clean all the tables after lunch. He ran up and down the rows cleaning in big swirls. What was he doing? Writing messages of course. One message read, “Watch our for the birds.” Another message read, “The world’s ending in five minutes, find out more about this in my report after school.” A teacher walked in, saw the tables somewhat cleaned in the messages and said, “CADE! How many times have we talked about this? Clean the tables without writing messages in them!”
Cade has an amazing ability to wait until the last minute to get something done, then somehow, some way he turns on his ultra-sonic speed and gets it done, though usually in some crazy way, but he gets it done.