Do you like playing tag? More importantly, do you like winning at tag? Then you might not like playing tag with Cade Mayson. You might not ever be able to catch him. I mean, you might be fast, but Cade is mysteriously fast. When he runs, he doesn’t start slow, then slowly build up his speed. In fact, he seems to have just one speed: Super Sonic Lightning Speed. He gets down low, then just shoots off. You don’t see him run, you just see a streak. At night, he’ll hold his blue shell at his side which gives off a blue light so when he runs you’ll actually see a blue streak.
There’s more to reveal about Cade’s mysterious abilities in tag, but first it’s time to reveal the answer to the last Mystery Challenge. If you haven’t read the post, Prophecy of Casherdayas, check it out first and see if you can solve the mystery. Otherwise, here is the answer to what the aliens saw. When they saw the smoke from the fires it looked like dark spirits which made them think the people were working with dark spirits to create another dark illness. The smoke looked like something else which is the key word-the answer to the mystery challenge. The word was spelled out in the prophecy moving down the lines. See if you can find it-the word you were supposed to find as the answer was MIST. Now back to Cade.
You might be agile, but Cade can make about ten sharp turns in the time it would take a normal person to make one. In fact, that’s how he got out from a trap in school once. He had started a game of tag, then was surrounded by three people who were all “it.” He was on a table. He faked one way, then another, then another, then another, then another, then another, then another, then another, then another, then with them all on one side, he shot out past them to the other side of the classroom. That’s when the teacher put a stop to it, since they were after all supposed to be taking a test.
You might also have great endurance, meaning you can run a long time without getting too tired, but Cade somehow seems to get even faster as the game goes on. Legend has it, a game of tag he started lasted for ten hours. He taunted some of them by walking up to where they were lying on the ground, half-asleep, and would slowly circle them while whistling and pretending to look away. Some poor souls fell for it and tried to get him, but by the time they got up, he’d be about a mile away, but laughing loud enough so they could hear him.
How good are you at tag? Leave a comment below describing how good you think you are. What are your favorite types of tag? How do you get away from the person who’s “it?” Let us know, do you think you could be the one to catch Cade? If not, be sure to check out the next DARKCORNER LAND FEATURE. After that will be another mystery challenge, see if you can solve the mystery.
Cade Mayson’s tag skills may be far more important than anyone realizes, because soon he won’t just be trying to escape his friends to avoid becoming “it,” he will have to use his lightning speed and creativity to escape the aliens…