Cade Mayson is familiar with mountains with jagged black rocks that are tough to climb. He’s familiar with bizarre storms that come out of nowhere and aliens running his school. Cade is from the western kingdom of Cashes Dade. He has had some adventures there and a few crazy adventures in some other parts of the world he lives in; the land of Darcor. In today’s post, you’ll find out how Cade got lost in his own school, or more accurately, on his own school. You’ll also discover a crazy game of chicken he played with a strong force of nature. First, it’s time to reveal the answer to the last mystery challenge from the post: WHAT IF ALIENS INVADE TOMORROW? The answer to why the aliens attack in the tv series Falling Skies comes down to one word: REVENGE. If you want to know more about that, check out the tv series Falling Skies.
Cade has traveled to the western kingdoms up north including Camden Saze, Marcaydas, and Daden Ilus. He’s seen the crazy sky lights over Daden Ilus, City of Carsensiah. The city is built around a crossing of three rivers connecting with the large central river. The towers are made of dark blue glass with waters running over the roofs and inside the rooms as well. They perform shows using various coloured lights in the sky. He has been to the western kingdoms of Casen Ires and Caladaria. He even went on one really long trip to Elderia Kays. If you want to see where these places are, check out the page called: DARKCORNER LAND.
All of these trips were taken by boat. Cade is convinced he is outstanding at reading maps and at driving boats. He is sadly mistaken about both of those. Every time he takes a trip, he holds the map out and stares at it intensely for several long minutes. He whispers to himself as if figuring it out, but no one knows exactly what he’s actually saying. What’s astonishing is how he manages to forget everything he just saw on the map. You can literally ask him anything about what he saw on the map, and he will not remember any of it. He has a strong sense of direction in going where he needs to go, but if you try to actually give him directions, he will just give you a blank stare. He gets lost all the time.
Anytime Cade went somewhere with his parents he would constantly beg them to drive the boat. His dad would reluctantly let him drive it for a short time, but it always turned quickly into a disaster. Cade has no sense of steering or reading the waves. Rivers in this land are challenging because there are waves rolling from different directions and can be really rough. There are also strong currents that go in various directions and can really take you off course.
Cade’s longest trip by far was to a kingdom far in the southeast called Eldaria Kays to their city called Mahvey. He was in fourth grade at the time. Mahvey is set on the coast of a massive crystal blue lake. The city is made of sleek, tall towers made of a special glass that constantly changes colours making the city brightly colourful, especially at night. They stayed at a hotel on the coast. One day when Cade’s parents were away on business, he was playing on the beach and he got bored. He looked over to the jetti, the large smooth white stones piled up like a dock going out to sea. In a minute he was at the very end of the jetti. He watched for a few minutes, watching the waves rise up and slam the end of the jetti, spraying water down over the stones. That’s when he came up with a game. When the waves receded, he scrambled down to the bottom of the rocks. He waited until the large waves were thirty seconds away, then he hurried up the stones taking any foothold and instantly jumping up to the next point until he reached the top seconds after the waves hit. He kept doing this, over and over, until finally the waves hit just as he was about to reach the top. It knocked him to the water. He grabbed the stones holding on in the strong current. He managed to barely hold on. When he got back up he decided he’d had enough, and after thirty more games of Beat The Wave, he had.
Cade also had an interesting adventure in his own country, in his school, or rather, on his school. From a balcony he climbed up several parts of the side that were dented in and reached the slick, wide roof slanted at steep angles. This was before the aliens came. He made his way across the roof to the other side, but couldn’t figure out how to get back. He would get past one part, then another, but then forget what side he was on. Finally he just started pounding on the roof, jumping up and down, until eventually several teachers appeared from the center where there was a trap door Cade didn’t know about.
Where have you traveled to? Have you had any adventures like Cade has? How do you compare to Cade in reading maps or steering boats? Leave a comment below. Check out the next mystery challenge where I will introduce a bonus mystery story that will lead into the first story of this series called:
Wait until you see Cade’s climbing skills in action. He may not be able to read maps, but when he’s running from dark spirits he has a mysterious way of knowing exactly where to go and how to make them lost.