There is no obstacle that Cade doesn’t think he can overcome. It doesn’t matter what it is, or how many ways a normal person could easily get past it, for Cade there is only one option: It must be climbed.
Cade Mayson is a determined 12 year old and is the star character of the series. One of his favorite things to do is climb…anything. It doesn’t even matter if the obstacle is in his way. If he sees anything that can be climbed, and I mean anything, he will climb it. He treats climbing even the smallest thing like it’s Everest. He’ll just stop and stare at the kitchen table with this strong, determined, yet anxious look with his hand on his forehead, pretending to gaze up at the really distant table top set a massive five feet above ground. Then he will give the signal. It’s the same every time. He holds his left arm up like he’s trying to hail a cab in New York City though he doesn’t know anything about cabs or New York City. Then in a really fast motion he’ll put his arm down and go for it.
For Cade, it’s not enough to just climb something, it has to be climbed fast. He takes one giant step, then jumps up on the table. He will raise his arms high in victory and pretend to shout down to the others as if they can’t hear him even though they’re standing just a few feet away. I wouldn’t recommend trying this at home. You see, furniture is made really well in his country and can hold up under a lot of pressure. Your kitchen table could break or get messed up. It would be better to try your climbing outside.
Cade may not have climbed Mount Everest yet, in fact he’s never heard of it, but he has climbed mountains, including one that the aliens forbid students to climb. Are they worried for the students’ safety or are they trying to hide something? Cade discovered something bizarre at the top. That’s why he’s planning to go back. The next post will reveal what he found on the mountain top. He made it past their defense before, but will they be ready for him this time?