Damian hurried down the dazzling spiral staircase in Daylustar. He and Brandon whispered about their plan to capture the three BlackStar Students mysteriously entering Daylustar from the other side. They entered a dark underground hall dimly lit by dingy golden candle light clusters hanging on the black marble walls on both sides. Deep booming shook the walls. Brandon started singing a fast-paced energetic song. Damian nodded rhythmically to the soaring music around them. They emerged from the tunnel and entered the massive dark entry hall to the Music Arena and Music Classrooms Hall where candle clusters floated around on the slick black walls. Damian and Brandon hid down in the shadows waiting for the three students to enter. Brandon stood quietly tapping the floor in a complicated rhythm to the distant sonic chords playing. He made several wide sweeping motions with his hands, then appeared to draw something in the air. Damian just flashed him a confused look with his arms out wide.
“What was that?” he asked.
“I was signaling.”
“Yeah, I could see that. What was that supposed to mean?”
“Just be ready.”
“You could not have just told me that?”
“I just did.” Damian sighed heavily burying his face in his hands. The three kids entered. Damian stood up slowly, holding an alien weapon in hand.
Soon we will learn more about Damian Caldannon who is from Devonmay. We will soon find out what Cade, Blake, and Drew are up against. But first, it’s time to reveal the answer to the last mystery challenge. Are you ready? Do you think you know it? The mystery challenge was what is the light that offers a key clue for the answer to the mystery in the story: MYSTERY OF THE ALIENS’ DAYLUSTAR STATUE
The answer is this:
It was the shimmering green chandelier lights hanging from the glass ceiling lighting the tops of the Daycrest Evergreens. Did you get it right? Leave a comment below telling us what your guess was and why. Tell us what you think of Damian. Next we will look at random facts about this intense kid from the tropical Kingdom of Devonmay with the City of Heyvas Ivydames. What kind of kid are the ghost strikers about to clash with? Do they know who’s watching them right now?
Damian is a big fan of soccer. He can get really intense when he’s playing. Every match is the most important match of the century to him. It’s been said then when he’s playing he shuts out the entire world around him. They say he does not have a clue what else is going on, that the world could be on fire and he would still be focused on the soccer game. In fact, Brandon decided to test this theory. One time, during one of Damian’s soccer games, Brandon dressed up like a crazy clown and did flips and handstands and some crazy dancing on the sideline. Damian did not notice him at all. Hard to believe, but he really didn’t. In fact, to this day Damian refuses to believe Brandon actually did this.
Damian is really agile and lightning fast. He can turn faster than anyone on the planet. In soccer games he will move right up to you and in a half-second he will make a single move past you in a flash. Dark spirits have been frustrated in the past trying to catch this kid. He will run straight at them, then right when they are about to get him he makes a single cut, flying past them.
Damian hates school. He is really smart and strategic. He knows how to solve problems by visualizing it, then breaking it down and finding a way to solve it. The thing is, he likes learning and figuring things out if he can see the point in learning it and how he can use what he learned in an important way. The problem is, his school began enforcing a new system which was very much like the system the aliens have now put in place. You have to sit still and only learn by hearing the teaching and taking notes. Damian hates trying to sit still. He likes to be active. He can study well, as long as he can take frequent breaks to play soccer in his room using a mini-soccer goal. If he’s into it, he can learn anything, and solve pretty much any problem. Thing is, Damian probably wouldn’t hate school if it was run the right way.
Damian does the same thing every morning at school. He slowly walks to his desk, looking like a zombie, then finally slumps into his chair. He leans back, his eyes half-closed, then lets out this long, dramatic sigh. He says in a really tragic voice, “I didn’t get much sleep last night.” Why didn’t he get much sleep? Was he studying all night? No. It’s always for the same reason: He was trying to set a new record of shots made in his mini-soccer goal in his room. Sometimes it’s because he’s trying some crazy shot and refuses to go to sleep until he hits it, and even then sometimes he feels compelled to try and hit it again! He always says the same thing, “Tonight I’m going to sleep right away. I am not even going to look at my soccer goal.” But he never learns.
Damian can be annoying to go to lunch with. He and Brandon often go to a restaurant by the coast that has a buffet. Damian is really, and I mean really, indecisive when it comes to what he wants for lunch or dinner. He’ll stand there staring for what feels like hours trying to decide as if his life depends on whether or not he has the fish sticks. Then he’ll pick something, then later put it back, then just when he gets to the end of the line he’ll shake his head again and pick it back up. Other times he and Brandon will go through the line pretending to fight over every item. You don’t want to be the one who has to go through the line after they have been through it.
Damian and Brandon often play mini soccer matches in his room. Most times he and Brandon try to hit crazy trick shots seeing who can hit it first. Damian has an amazing ability to see just how to hit the craziest shots. He can visualize great plans. He wants to be a great war general someday. He has a great ability to visualize a battlefield and figure out the best strategies, like how to capture the enemy…