In kingdoms like Cadendas, Daymindon, and Devonmay, and even in the Kingdoms of Dayascade and Lunas Darshes, from a really young age, kids are taught not to stare at the lights of Lormendoth. To the northwest of the Kingdom of Lormendoth, are long rolling mossy green hills that are mostly empty. It is surrounded by what they call fence bluffs that are really tall white marble bluffs. All along the tops of these bluffs are raging neon green fires that burn all day and all night. At night, it glows intensely bright. The fires show various images that get into kids’ dreams if they stare too long. But these dreams are dangerous…
The aliens seem to be working on a sinister plan throughout all the schools. But there’s a student working in the shadows who is discovering their secrets, and soon he will reach out to the ghost strikers. Will they answer the call?
It’s going to be a mystery with so many twists and turns. But first, we will continue looking at the kids who might be the ghost, the one secretly working with the dark spirits on a sinister plan. They will be presented in alphabetical order by first name. Check out the clues and see if you can figure out who it is. Can the ghost strikers stop him? Can you figure out who it is?
Some people claim to have found a way past the bluffs, through the raging fires, to explore the vast, empty land they’re hiding. Legend has it there is a secret alien fortress hidden somewhere among the hills. There are all kinds of rumours about what they are working on. Many BlackStar Students in the kingdoms mentioned earlier claim that teachers secretly lead the WhiteStar Students to look at the green fires because they will give them great visions. But for many students, the lights give them dark dreams that give them dangerous ideas that seem all too real. After awhile, they can’t even trust what they see when they are awake…
Dylan Umbenhier is a friendly, sharp kid. He’s tall with short sandy hair and bright sparkling eyes. Dylan is really into models of horses, carriages, and towers. He’s always looking for the next big thing, and really wants to find new jewels no one has ever found before. He talks fast and energetically, always getting over excited, always trying really hard to be positive…
Dylan is from the Kingdom of Lunas Darshes, City of Caras Maradas. You can find it on the map if you click on the page called DARKCORNER LAND. It’s a kingdom well south of Cashes Dade, just directly across from Dayascade to the south. It’s considered a top-level kingdom in DarkCorner Land. They’re known for making the most dazzling jewels and newest clothes with cool designs.
Here’s one hint about Dylan, he dreams about finding a great jewel, one no one has ever seen before, but everyone has dreamed about. The clues are there, see if you can figure it out. Leave a comment below if you think you know what it is. Do you know? Do you think he’s the ghost?