The citizens of Cashes Dade are hiding in the mountains, trapped in the underground, surrounded by the aliens. But the enemy is also within. An alien spy is among them, secretly trying to take them down. But Cade Mayson and his friends are on the case, and the greatest revelation may come at an unexpected time, in a concert…
The prophecy hints at someone from Cashes Dade preparing to turn on them, preparing to give them up to the aliens. Ghostly whispers are heard in every distant, dark corner. Cade, Blake, and Drew are running constantly, trying to keep track of everything the seven Army Leads are doing and saying, but it’s hard to keep up with everything that’s going on. The aliens are coming after them with everything they have.
Ryan puts a lot of energy into the underground concert where they plan to play Bloody, Bloody Friday for the first time. Is he focused on sending a message to the aliens? Or is the concert meant to be some kind of distraction? The prophecy also refers to a ghost singing in the moonlight…
Its time to check out the seventh and final suspect. There is no significance to the order of the suspects in these posts because they are being presented in alphabetical order by first name. Ryan Cardade is one of the seven Cashes Dade Army Leads. One of them has to be the spy, because someone was seen by Cade and his friends, talking to the dark spirits in the tunnels, getting ready to give away Cashes Dade’s key secrets. They couldn’t be seen or heard clearly enough to be identified, but a dark orange star patch was seen on their shoulder marking them as one of the seven leads. Now that we’ve seen all of them, leave a comment below if you think you know who it is. Cade, Blake, and Drew are on their way back to Cashes Dade to help out their people in their war against the aliens. Will they be able to figure out how to break through? The prophecy hints at a mountain they can escape to where they will be protected from the aliens. But the key to solving this mystery will be figuring out which one of these seven army leads is the spy. Who is it?
Ryan Cardade is somewhat awkward with short, wild dark hair shooting out every which way.
He is rough, wild, and kind of crazy.
He is really into music and loud crashing sounds.
He talks pretty calmly and to the point.
He takes the fourth position in the formation for the army leads.
He is a really strong fighter. He’s great at holding the line and firing powerfully at the enemy.
Ryan owned a guitar shop in Cashes Dade. He loved to make the most unique and loud guitars possible. He dreams of playing legendary concerts while playing legendary guitar solos.
One time Ryan was working on a new guitar he called “Hell Crasher.” I’m not sure exactly what that was supposed to mean, but basically, it was meant to be loud. He was on stage at the grand blue crystal concert hall dimly lit by dark orange chandelier clusters through the three levels, preparing for a concert that night, most of all testing out this new guitar. They don’t have electricity but they have a way of mixing certain powders that amplify the sound in the guitar. He kept trying it out on stage, playing strong, powerful chords that shook the arena, but every time he did the same thing, just walked away shaking his head. “It’s not loud enough. It’s not loud enough. I want this place to feel like it’s about to collapse.” He mixed stronger powders into it. Several people warned him about it, but he just waved them off. He played several chords, and the guitar started on fire. “You’ve got the hell part right,” one guy said close by. Ryan shot him a fiery intense look. Then he went back to work.
It’s kind of a mystery how they make their instruments play so strong and loud, a mystery that even the aliens are trying to figure out.
Around the time of the concert, Cashes Dade scouts see a lot of activity happening around a massive, green-lit alien complex. They see dark spirits streaming in from various directions, sleek, triangular shaped alien ships in fiery blue glows flying through the deep blue streaming clouds landing somewhere near the top of the stretched, curved complex. Dark golden lights glow like slow moving flames inside the grand windows. Sour horns blared out loud and strong, shaking the walls. A sonic boom overtook the sky, shutting out every other sound. Blurry moonlight spilled across the high rooftop where several lead aliens met, preparing for an announcement…
The final clues are Ryan’s three best known quotes:
“Let’s rock it”
“Play it loud”
“Any way you can, get your message heard”