They call him the piano playing ghost. They hear him, but they never see him. He plays strong, booming chords with higher, energetic chords played in a fun, fast rising way. Students often gather in the back rows of the dark auditorium just to listen, and many times dance to the bright songs he plays. But they also want to find him. He only plays in the dark, alone, in the chilly silence. Then he breaks the silence, and his music lights up the dark cold auditorium. No one knows why he plays in secret. Why does he hide his music? Why doesn’t he want to be seen? They’ve tried different things; sneaking up on him, hiding on stage, hiding in the upper balconies, but when they try to chase him, he runs, and he disappears, like a ghost…
In the Lincon Bereen School in the Kingdom of Dayascade, there’s a ghost they say haunts the school halls. But in many ways, he’s the one who is truly haunted. He also plays the piano, from the secret Coldor Room where he’s locked up. No one knows exactly where he is, or what object can be turned to find this hidden room. But they can hear him, or rather, they can hear his music. What’s truly puzzling though, is what happens every time he plays. His music starts out simple, with strong, rhythmic booming chords. Then he adds more and more layers, making it more and more complicated with a bright, energetic slow rising song until the sounds start to clash. Then he pounds various keys in anger and the music goes silent…
Ryan Sayvas is a nice, easy going kid. He’s relatively short with short blonde hair in a spiral, and calm, bright eyes. Ryan is really into entertainment and business. He likes talking to people and having interesting conversations that draw lots of people in. He talks fast and energetically, asking a lot of questions, trying to get into interesting discussions that explore the big questions…
Ryan is from the Kingdom of Carsenevas, City of Dayas Cadenmay. You can find it on the map if you click on the page called DARKCORNER LAND. It’s a kingdom well south of Cashes Dade, following the river down to the end. It’s considered a relatively strong kingdom in DarkCorner Land. They’re known for mysterious and cutting edge music that plays in grand rooms.
Here’s one hint about Ryan, he dreams about creating a new, entertaining business that becomes the most popular place in all the kingdoms, where everyone wants to meet. The clues are there, see if you can figure it out. Leave a comment below if you think you know what it is. Do you know? Do you think he’s the ghost?