There is a legend developing among the aliens. It’s spreading through all the kingdoms and cities. The aliens can’t talk the way people do, but they are able to send their thoughts into someone who can then speak their message. These people are called messengers. The aliens only choose WhiteStar Ranked students and adults to be messengers. These are the people they consider elite, the best and brightest. They’ve been told by the aliens to watch for a kid they call “The Blazing Ghost.”
Throughout the summer, the rumours have slowly spread through the kingdoms. People are starting to talk about how the aliens are looking for some kid who keeps interfering with their business. This kid is secretly trying to start a revolution to overthrow the aliens and kick them out of their kingdoms and their schools. He doesn’t believe in their superiority, but instead believes they are the enemy. This kid isn’t just fast, but blazes, because he finds his own way through the alien defense. Every time the aliens think they have him trapped, he finds some way through, he turns into a ghost. The aliens don’t know who he is. Do you?
Before we continue to find out about a mysterious kid from Cashes Dade, it’s time to reveal the answer for the last mystery challenge. If you haven’t yet, check out the last post called MYSTERY OF GHOST PEAK: PART ONE and see if you can solve the mystery. The answer for how do you see Ghost Peak is based on these prophecy lines:
The moonlight burns bright blue
Then the night fires cross the two
That’s when the Ghost peak appears
But the only way is through your tears…
The answer is this: The night fires refer to stars. Crossing the two refers to the time meaning 2:00 in the morning, but it also refers to the time, the time that the ghosts dance. So if you position yourself where the ghosts dance after 2:00 in the morning, then you will see Ghost Peak appear in the distance. Can you figure out how to get there? The way is mysterious and dangerous, because the aliens are trying to reach the peak as well.
Casey Cardade is a 12 year old with short, choppy hair that slants and falls low over his dark, deep-set eyes. He likes experimenting with various stones and powders that can set fires and shoot off explosions. He will try anything, any combination, and see what happens. Through the summer, he’s been shooting off different combinations at a secret alien factory set deep in the forest in a hidden valley. Last night, he snuck out of the small room he and his parents call home in the slowly rebuilding Kingdom of Cashes Dade and disappeared into the mountains below. He took up his position on the lower left slope of the valley where the dark orange glowing, tall oval-shaped alien factory. He knelt down behind a random combination of tall blue flowers, small green bell-shaped shrubs, and short, really wide neon green Crafters Evergreens. He stared intensely out across the lower multi-coloured fields with all kinds of various plants and flowers growing together around the factory. Then the pale-yellow light spilling out from the narrow, rectangular windows all across the top went dark. That’s when the low booming music began from one high corner, followed by a bright gold flash through the factory. Then he heard the faint sound of children crying…
Casey is really into explosions. For him, the brighter the explosion, the better. He likes seeing different colours and hearing the boom. But most of all, he likes messing with the aliens. He gazed up at the rough, low flying clouds across the chilly night sky. Then he slowly scanned the valley below and the upper slope behind him. Various circular clusters of glittering flowers, shrubs, and evergreens spread out among the variety of colours under flickering pale moonlight. He got his small shooter in position, placed several different powders inside, then struck his match. He got himself ready, with an intense gaze and thin smile, he shot the explosive. A bright blue fire blazed through the air, smashed through a window, and flashed inside. That’s when a bright, intense alien light shot directly at Casey’s shooter…
Casey Cardade is a really tough runner to track. He would probably be as difficult to catch in the game of tag as Cade is, that is if he ever played. Casey is really fast, but it takes him some time to get going to a high speed. It’s so hard to chase him, because he just shoots off in one direction, and gets faster and faster until all the sudden, he makes a sharp turn, and disappears. The hot, intense alien light cut through the darkness shining on his shooter, but Casey was gone. He already shot off up the slope, but could just see his explosion from the corner of his eye. A smile broke across his face as he hurried back up the slope toward a circular cluster of glittering flowers and plants with a few short Crafters Evergreens. He shook his head, smiled brighter, and swerved around the hidden alien net, glittering in the moonlight. Two aliens stared out the window at the quiet valley and asked themselves the question, “Did the Blazing Ghost just strike again?”