Gold and red lit triangular crafts flooded the sky with brilliant flashing lights. Alien ships moved ahead in a cluster, blazing through the sky, with a sonic thundering pushing down on the Cashes Dade Army lined up in the hills. Then the alien ships suddenly spread out wide at an incredible speed. A crowd of citizens hurried across the wide field toward them. Several ships dropped down. That’s when Bennie Maysher led the charge to defend them and something mysterious happened that’s hard to explain…
Its time to check out the next suspect. It’s important to remember there is no significance to the order of the suspects in these posts because they are being presented in alphabetical order by first name. Bennie Maysher is one of the seven Cashes Dade Army Leads. One of them has to be the spy, because someone was seen talking to the dark spirits in the tunnels, getting ready to give away key secrets. They couldn’t be seen or heard clearly enough to be identified, but a dark orange star patch was seen on their shoulder marking them as one of the seven leads. Do you think you can figure it out? Leave a comment below if you think you know whether Bennie Maysher is the spy. But before we check out his profile and an intriguing story about him, it’s time to reveal the answer for the last mystery challenge. If you haven’t read the previous post called WHAT’S HIDDEN IN BRENNAN’S PAINTING? check it out to see if you can solve the mystery for the post and perhaps even figure out the greater mystery of the alien fountain lights in Cashes Dade. Here is the answer:
The key word in the prophecy was: aliens
Bennie Maysher is relatively short with rough, blonde hair.
He’s always active, always moving, and quite impatient.
He has a half-trimmed beard.
He’s kind of odd, and always seems to be somewhat agitated, talking fast in short sentences.
Bennie takes the second position in the formation for the army leads.
He is a tough fighter who loves to charge out in battle. He is really good at overwhelming the enemy with power and speed.
Bennie has always dreamed of being a great war hero, leading a great, legendary charge against all odds in battle. He is a master at riding horses and loves to challenge people to races. For him, the rougher the path, the better. He is really ambitious, always wanting to prove to others what a great rider and fighter he is.
After seven protestors were shot dead by the aliens on what will be forever known in Cashes Dade as “Bloody Friday,” they declared war on the aliens. Brilliant lights of all colours shot out across the night sky in blazing streaks. The soldiers huddled down in their trench. The dark green grass and soggy soil lit up almost like during a bright sunny day in the spectacular lights. Bennie stared at the slowly approaching cluster of seven alien ships with a mixed look of awe and excitement. Their red and gold lights flashed in fast, rhythmic waves from the center ship out left and right through the other ships. The ground hummed in a low tone sounding close yet far away. In the distance an alien ship shot out a blue laser light striking the mountains with a brilliant flash.
“They’re going to see them,” said a soldier to his left.
“They’re getting ready to drop,” Bennie said in a low voice.
At this time further back in the mountains, Cade, Blake, and Drew were traveling up the massively wide river with David and Callie on a small, dark boat. They could see the brilliant alien lights flashing across the dark water waves striking their boat hard from both sides. Dark spirits gathered at the far right bank. Cade pretended to try to take the oar away from Blake which was followed by fake crying. The kids spotted the dark spirits. Cade smiled, knowing they would never fall for their trap. Blake quietly drove the boat toward the left bank. From the shadows Cade waved goodbye to the ghosts waiting on the far side. Dark shadows stretched across the glittering waves. Whispers flew in the chilling dark as the dark spirits on the left coast waited for them to dock…
After the ships dropped, Bennie in a sudden flash, grabbed a small flame shooter full of powder and jumped on his horse. He charged across the field. The seven hovering aliens ships glowed like burning red fires. The ground underneath hummed. They shot out a bright blue laser light from the center directly at him. He ducked out of the way slightly before it hit the ground. He charged ahead, watching the ships. At a rapid pace, from close and far away, the lasers shot out one after another in rapid succession. He shifted back right, before the next two lasers struck. He kept riding ahead as two more shot out at his left and right, followed by two more further to the left and right. Another one shot directly at him but he moved to the left just before it hit. Two more shot out as he moved back right. He kept dodging them, one after another, moving right before they hit or charging right between them. Then he held up his flame shooter, set the fire, and shot out the blazing dark orange light at the center ship where the fires exploded out, driving the ships back. Then he turned sharply and led the people across the field while the dark orange haze kept the ships back until the people were able to reach the underground. The soldiers couldn’t believe what they had seen. Was Bennie just lucky, or did he somehow know exactly how the aliens would fire on him? But how did he know?
The final clues are Bennie’s three best known quotes:
“I can’t stand the birds that never stop chirping.”
“The battle belongs to the one willing to lead the final charge.”
“Shoot first, and the rest will fall into place.”