Cade Mayson is from the Kingdom of Cashes Dade, City of Dayces Cameron. The city was built like a massive stadium within a circular formation of bluffs. A massively wide, rough river runs through the center. The towers are built like tall, slender spears with blue glass that you can usually see through. They use water channels as streets through the entire city. This kingdom is known for building and crafting outstanding furniture with really cool designs. People in Cashes Dade tend to be determined, creative, and tough. Cade fits in perfectly.
A little over a year ago, in the Summer, Cashes Dade was a kingdom under pressure from the aliens. The aliens were upset with their schools, feeling like the students and teachers were not working that hard or succeeding at the standard they wanted. They struggled to get the students to follow their way, called THE ONE STANDARD. This is the aliens’ list of standards that their students should follow. They expect the teachers to make the students follow this perfectly. The aliens expect students to sit completely still in “learning position.” They expect them to learn by listening to lectures and taking notes without any pictures or activities. Students are expected to get high grades. If they struggle too much, they will be ranked as BlackStar, the lowest ranking meaning failure.
Late in the Summer, all the citizens of Cashes Dade were called to a meeting at the soccer stadium, held by the aliens. The aliens can’t communicate with them directly so they use people called messengers. The aliens are able to transmit their messages to them. The messengers told the crowd that Cashes Dade was a serious failure. They told the citizens that the students and teachers needed to improve dramatically in the next school year or they would face serious punishments. They were also told that there were citizens in their kingdom secretly working with the dark spirits, experimenting with dangerous minerals that would cause dark illnesses in the country. These dark illnesses are mysterious, but they work by messing with your mind. You begin to see things that aren’t real and if you believe what you’re seeing then you will come down with the dark illness which leads to death.
Cade’s parents became ranked WhiteStar which is the highest ranking, meaning elite. They had the choice to join the aliens in their city of Arapreshday and hold a high position with great rewards. They decided to do this, but they didn’t take Cade with them, who is ranked BlackStar. A few weeks later, on November 4 of Year 51, a date no one in Cashes Dade will ever forget, their kingdom was attacked by the aliens with no warning.
The ships shot down on the city from a high distance above the clouds. It looked like a dark storm crashing down over the city with bright explosions knocking out the towers. Bright green light waves rained down on the city that night with dark mist like sheets falling down over them. No one understood what was happening. There was no warning. 20,000 people died in the attack.
The aliens reported to the remaining citizens and the world that they had killed the people who were part of the cancer, creating dark illnesses haunting the world. Cade Mayson knows better. He knows the real reason why they attacked. He knows who has the aliens scared…