DarkCorner Land has a lot of awesome and crazy traditions. The Kingdom of Daymardon has the best celebration for Spring Week. All the kingdoms take a week, the first week in April, as a holiday to celebrate the beginning of Spring. They have parties in the street and have a lot of outdoor picnics. But Daymardon has a special tradition that brings in people from kingdoms all across DarkCorner Land.
Check out the page: DARKCORNER LAND to find the Kingdom of Daymardon on the map. It’s a kingdom in the center of the land where they have the full range of the seasons: cold in the winter to hot in the summer. Their Spring Tradition is pretty insane. Their City of Heyvas Cadamar is set along a wild river with crazy fast rapids. The towers are built like stacked cards made of large dusty bright red bricks. The windows have no glass but just have curtains of stringed blue lights that glow at night. The towers are built on tall mesas. Winding steps connect the towers on the mesas while shimmering blueglass bridges connect the mesas. The bridges also glow at night. On the ground below the city is nothing but fields of short light green grass and fields of bright colourful flowers. Each field has one corner with a cluster of trees called Marclays. They have really widespread branches holding bright green circular leaves that shine and spin during the days.
So what they do on the first day of the first week of April? They have a race, but it’s a race like you’ve never seen before. First, there’s a climb up their tallest mesa. It’s pretty steep so it’s difficult to find a way up the slick rocks. When they reach the top, they make their way over to the slick side of the mesa and slide down…into a boat…that’s floating down the river. It takes great timing. Sometimes they don’t make it, so they hit the water, then have to hope they can catch a boat floating by. They race down river trying to navigate the crazy rapids. The finish line is a side channel that ends in a large pool. At night they put blue-lit lanterns in the pool and celebrate all around.
Everyone in Cashes Dade knows about Jack Marsher. He was 45 years old the year he entered the Daymardon Spring Race. People say he was kind of crazy, and the way he climbs mountains is kind of crazy. When it’s steep he doesn’t really stop to make sure he gets a good foothold. He just goes. Somehow he feels the way up on the run. In the race of Year 43 that’s how he climbed up the mesa. He kept sliding back, but kept moving the whole time, so he never fell back that much. Then he didn’t even wait to get the timing right at the slide, he just slid down. When he hit the water, a boat was coming his way fast. He dove under, then got up and grabbed the back. It dragged him awhile until finally he managed to climb in. He was way ahead at that point, but like Cade, he had no clue how to drive a boat. In fact, he’d never even done it before. He had a hard time on the rapids. He struggled to keep control while the others slowly caught up. Finally he managed to catch the current. He barely made it into the channel, but he was just ahead and won the race.
Have you ever climbed any mountains or done any rafting down rapids? Would you do what Jack did? What crazy things have you done in a race or competition? Leave a comment below. Get ready to see how Cade and Blake try to get past the aliens in the next mystery challenge. Can you figure out how they can get to the top?