Many years ago, the citizens of Cashes Dade built a massive network of strong tunnels underground through the mountains west of Cashes Dade. They built them with all kinds of twists and turns creating a maze that makes it really confusing for any dark spirits or aliens trying to find their way to the key locations where the people would hide. Just wait until you see the ghost strikers in action trying to get the ghosts running in circles. We’ll look at three key secret locations in this underground network. There will be a clue revealing how to figure out who the spy is as well as what might be the way they can escape. Will you see it? Can you figure it out? The prophecy lines at the end point to how you can find the clue. Leave a comment below if you think you found it. You can join Cade Mayson and the other two ghost strikers in their next mission to lead their country to victory over the aliens.
If you find a winding staircase going up steeply, in a pretty narrow passage, dimly lit by small clusters of dark blue candles glowing rhythmically, then you are on your way to find the sky room. If you can climb all the way to the top and are not out of breath, then you are a robot. The higher you go, the more the candle lights bounce to silent music playing throughout the mountains. The steps become less and less like steps, just roughly carved out of the stones. It gets to be a pretty steep climb at that point until you begin to see the intense blue light. The room at the top is built into the peak with a large oval shaped blue glass sky window. Really small windows are placed around the top so light spills in just at the top and the winds create all kinds of musical sounds.
There’s a chamber far in the underground that’s really hard to find. If you follow the blazing trail of dark orange lantern lights swerving lower and lower through the mountains, you will find it. It’s a complete secret how to get there and what it holds. Cade thinks they must be hiding a new, special weapon they’re building to completely vaporize the aliens. Blake thinks it probably holds important maps and papers that hold all kinds of secrets. Drew thinks it’s a meeting place for various alien nations preparing for the great war of the worlds. But no one knows for sure. The hall goes deeper and deeper underground. The dark orange lanterns turn to clusters of dingy golden candles spread further and further along the rough wall. Then the tunnel eventually dead ends. No one knows the secret way to the chamber.
There is a high lookout on top of one of the mountains among the underground maze. No one knows which mountain it is, and no one has ever been able to find the way to climb to reach it. But there is a long, winding tunnel lit by high, large multi-coloured chandeliers. If you find this, you can find your way to this lookout that can see the entire spiraling maze of mountains where Cashes Dade has their underground network. It’s also from this point you can see the surrounding alien towers, where more and more sleek, triangular blue glowing ships keep flying in. They’re preparing something big, and time is running out…
The answer you’re looking for is in the sky so bright
Just follow the star leading the way through the night