The kingdom of Cashes Dade has gone underground. Their City of Dayces Cameron has been completely destroyed by the aliens, but the people of Cashes Dade had an elaborate underground network of tunnels and caverns throughout the mountains ready for them to escape to when the time came. They knew it would happen sooner or later. On a chilly blood-red night, in a massive underground cavern lit by dark orange lanterns and stacked gold candles behind the stage, all the people have gathered. They’re tired, worn out, and struggling. They’ve been fighting an impossible war against an elite alien force. They don’t know if they can beat them, but the Cashes Dade Ghost Strikers are with them, and they’re about to discover a key secret…
The aliens have power over all the kingdoms and all the schools. They believe they are superior, and people have to go along with their ways whether they agree or not. But when seven protestors were shot dead because they wanted to stop the aliens from making everyone sick, the people of Cashes Dade had enough. They didn’t care what would happen to them. It was time to become free. It was time for the aliens to hear their voices. It is time, time for change…
Now they have declared war on the aliens. They believe it’s time to take back their countries. They believe it’s time to take back their schools. No more long, boring lessons about subjects no one cares about. No more destroying creativity and fun in school. No more telling kids they need to sit still and be silent all the time. No more silence and no more lies. It’s time, time for the students with new ideas to rise up. It’s time, time for the students who have determination and toughness, who want to explore new places to rise up. The DadeStar Revolution is about showing kids the value they truly have despite what others in power may say about them. But they need this message to go out to the world and that’s why Cashes Dade has begun the underground newspaper…
The people of Cashes Dade have now started the underground newspaper called: The Cashes Dade Beacon. You can check out the page on this website called THE CASHES DADE BEACON to read every newspaper article they secretly send out to the other kingdoms to try to gain support for their movement to kick the aliens off the planet. It’s time, time for revolution. The latest article describes the song that will rock the world, a song that has a key secret about how to win this impossible fight…