“I’m almost there.”
“I’ll catch up.”
“Three more shelves.”
“MMMMhhhuuurrrrrggghhhhh,” said Cade trying to go into ultra-sonic mode up the towering black marble bookshelves.
“Made it, made it,” said Blake, peering over the top shelf.
“Okay, okay, but next time…” Blake put his hand up, motioning for him to be quiet. Then he pointed down into the lower rows of bookshelves moving away down the slanted glossy blue marble floor under high dark orange chandelier lights hanging from the massive rounded ceiling.
Dead whispers shot back and forth between the aisles. The kids stared down then saw a dark spirit glide up one of the aisles and grab a book. He tilted his head up, gazing up at the kids with his dark, empty face with only two deep set black eyes. Then, instead of chasing the kids, he turned and hurried away down the aisle…
One time, before the aliens first attacked Cashes Dade, Cade and Blake decided to hang out at the library overnight to prove they weren’t afraid of the stories of dark spirits haunting the library at night. The aliens would end up destroying the library in the first attack. What Cade and Blake saw that night might explain why…
Under the dim, dark orange lights the dark spirit quickly glided away down the aisle away from them. Cade and Blake exchanged confused looks.
“He’s running away from us?” asked Cade.
“Well you do tend to look kind of scary in the middle of the night…”
“Let’s track him down,” said Blake. The kids watched as the ghost disappeared between the rows.
“Maybe we can figure out where he’s headed,” said Cade.
“He’s probably just going to leave,” said Blake. A dead whistle played out from where he was. A two-note ghost whistle echoed out with a short note, followed by a long, drawn out note. “He’s signaling to someone else,” Blake whispered.
“Sounds like he’s in the grand reading room. Let’s go.” The kids scrambled down the bookshelves. They hurried down the aisle entering the massive entry hall made of glossy blue glass floors and walls. Dingy gold lights from gigantic chandeliers hanging far down from the triangular high roof reflected in the glass forming various pictures of citizens talking and debating. Some of them looked ghostly. The kids hurried over to the grand blue glowing winding staircase. They sprinted up, higher and higher toward the distant grand reading room at the top of the library.
“Slow down, slow down,” Blake whispered. More whistles echoed out back and forth high above them. The kids crept slowly up the final steps. They gazed around the corner. A group of dark spirits waited across the final steps to the green glowing grand reading room.
“How we getting past them?” asked Blake. Cade gazed at the dark spirits standing among the flickering shadows reaching out from the sides under the dark golden cluster lights along both sides of the wide staircase. The lights were set on wide ledges running along both sides of the staircase. Strong winds beat against the massive dark blue stained glass window right behind the staircase.
Cade turned to Blake with a wry smile.
“I’m afraid to ask,” Blake answered.
“I think it’s too warm in here, don’t you?” Blake shot him a confused look. Cade then whispered his plan. Blake hesitantly nodded. The kids crept over to the window. Cade counted silently to three, then they pulled the large window open. The heavy winds knocked them back on the steps. The high, fast chilling winds knocked out all the lights. The kids got up and crept along the ledge to the door, then crept inside the massive, green glittering grand reading room.
Neon green candle clusters set within the walls and high rounded ceiling lit up the massive dark blue marble room with numerous soft black chairs spread across the floor. Dark blue pools with soft green lights floating deep underneath spread across the floor in a diamond pattern. The ceiling was painted with a mural of a maze of mountains with various dark orange lights appearing in blazing trails running through then disappearing, before reappearing in another location. The kids crept along the wall toward a small group of dark spirits sitting in a circle of chairs around a gloomy pool, reading several books. The kids hid down as more ghosts entered the room. Then they heard whispers.
“This book of poems might be the key.”
“They must be gone.”
“Make sure they can’t hear us.”
“The lights will expose them.”
“The lights will destroy most of them.”
“The rest will run and hide.”
“We almost have it mapped out.”
“When the time comes, we will find the ones who challenge us.”
“There will be no escape, no way out…”