In this DARKCORNER LAND FEATURE you will travel far up north to the North Lake. Check the page DARKCORNER LAND to see it on the map. I’ll give you a hint: it’s in the north. You will need to put on about 5 fur coats if you have them because it will be freezing cold. Ready? Let’s go.
The North Lake is a really, really giant lake the size of the state of Iowa in the USA or maybe about the size of the country of Great Britain, more or less. First you have to climb through the Massive Icy Mountains which are really difficult to climb and extremely slippery. Then you will see it from a high distance. From the months of September-May the lake is completely frozen solid. From the months of June-August it is not, and that’s when you can see the waves active. These waves are unbelievably massive. They rise as high as city towers like in New York City or Tokyo. They rise up from different parts of the lake and crash at different points in the middle. When they crash they thunder that seems like earthquake. No one has dared to try surfing or sailing in the waters, not yet anyway…
During the other months, the lake remains completely frozen, in fact, on September 1st at midnight, the lake freezes instantly, including the waves wherever they are. Some crazy people have sailed boats right before midnight knowing the waves would freeze before crashing on them. Other crazy people try surfing the great waves just before they’re about to crash, but they better time it right. The less crazy people wait until the lake has frozen, then go out and camp out on the lake. You can still see waters moving underneath and hear crashes below. The waters are amazing colours of blue, purple, green, and red, constantly changing and flashing all across the surface and below. Some crazy people of course will camp out when it’s close to midnight of June 1st when in an instant the lake unfreezes. Some of them wait until the last minute to get off the lake.
There’s something mysterious about this lake; the mad waves, the crazy colours swimming underneath, the dragging sounds, and the mysterious flashing lights in the surrounding mountains. Many people believe the aliens created this place or are doing something really mysterious and secret…
That’s why some people travel there, to explore the lake and see if they can find whatever secrets the aliens may be hiding. Would you go there? Would you try sailing, swimming, or surfing the crazy waves? Leave a comment below. Check out the next mystery challenge. After that is a bonus mystery story with a mystery challenge each chapter leading up to the first story in the series:
The Cashes Dade Ghost Strikers
Do you think the aliens are hiding something really secret up there? What do you think they might be doing? It takes people who are determined and crazy to even explore a place like this, but the people in DarkCorner Land may need these kind of people to lead them in a great revolution.