It’s time for the final chapter of this bonus short story that will lead into the first story of the series called:
Mystery of the Aliens Daylustar Statue
You can find out more about this story by clicking this link: https://dadestarmysteries.com/cades-revolution-against-the-aliens-is-about-to-begin/
Do you know which path the kids can take to get past the alien defenses and reach the top of Carolmire Mountain? One of them has a blind spot. What are the aliens hiding? The secret will reveal a key clue for the mystery in the first story of the series. Leave a comment below if you have a guess or think you know the answer. You can review the five paths and get the prophecy clues by clicking this link:
Alien horns blared out with a sour powerful ringing through the dark mountain valley. Chilling winds swept down through the mountain pass. The triangular shaped Candles Evergreens danced in the passing winds sweeping down all seven rows. Ghostly shapes of white, gold, green, blue, purple, and orange danced in a fast rhythm to the eerie whistling song echoing out between the two towering ridges. Cade and Blake stared hard through the blurry, flickering candle lights. The various colours flickered to the rhythm of the deep booming organ song playing from the top in the distance. Bright alien lights shot out from the ridge where several tall shadowy figures stood. Cade and Blake were lit up directly in the light.
“Now what?” asked Blake.
Cade turned to him and slowly breaking a smile he said, “I guess it’s show time.” Cade scrambled down, followed by Blake. Cade shot down the slope under the blazing orange lights. The bright alien lights followed them hurrying down the slope. Blake pointed to dark spirits gathering at the bottom. Cade swerved sharp right along the slope. “Any ideas?”
“You’re asking me?”
“No, I’m asking the ghosts.” Colours of orange shifted to dancing blurry purple lights.
“We should play tag with them.”
“I was joking. What’s your idea?” asked Cade.
“That’s my idea, let them see what it’s like playing tag with you.”
“Cool, let the games begin.” Cade turned left, angling down slope toward the approaching ghosts.
“I never thought I’d feel sorry for dark spirits.” The ghosts drew close in the bright green lights tracking the kids. Cade slid to a stop. Then he shot straight up the slope. He faked right, then left, then shot up to the right. The kids rushed back through dancing orange lights. More dark spirits appeared ahead. Cade ran straight up toward them. Blake followed close watching with anxious eyes as they got closer and closer. Dark spirits glided down into the alien lights.
Cade turned sharp left. Blake glanced back. Dark spirits rushed up toward them. “They’re on us, Cade.”
“It’s cool.”
Blake just sighed. “I need new friends.”
“I heard that,” Cade answered as he stopped, pivoted, then turned right. Blake sprinted after him before suddenly a shadow flashed past him the other way. It was Cade. Blake sighed again and sprinted after him cutting past the dark spirits on both sides. Blurred purple lights danced around them. Cade started angling down through the dreamy blue lights dancing to the eerie pounding piano music. Blake glanced back at the advancing dark spirits.
“We have a problem Cade.”
“Kind of why we’re running like this.” Heavy red light surrounded them.
“I mean, we can lose the dark spirits, but not the alien lights.” Chilling winds rushed harder down the slope as Cade suddenly turned left. Dark spirits entered the bright shine. Cade slid to a stop, then turned up right, faked left, then shot up further right up the slope. They hurried up through the still red light around them. “We have another problem. When we play tag the other kids get tired of trying to chase you.”
“Dark spirits don’t get tired.” They angled up into dancing green lights blending with the bright alien light beams. More dark spirits poured in up the slope.
“They’ll get tired inside.” Blake just rolled his eyes. “I saw that too.” Cade sprinted sharper left toward the dark spirits. “Maybe I’m the one who needs new friends.” Cade powered faster directly toward them.
“There’s more coming up behind,” said Blake glancing back.
“Be ready.” Cade got closer and closer to the ghosts lit up in the alien lights. Then he slid to a stop. The dark spirits closed in on all sides. He turned back to Blake, winked, then shot up like a cannon in the opposite direction. Blake followed close behind through the blue lights dancing to the pounding organ music. Alien lights felt hot on them. Cade angled to the right into the red haze.
The kids looked around at the flashing shadows around. Blake gazed around at the cool red light. “Cade, Cade, hold up.”
“We’re getting ahead. This is our chance.”
“I know, that’s why I think we should stop here.” Cade shot him a doubtful look. “I followed your crazy plan and it worked. Now you can follow mine.”
“And?” asked Cade.
“And what?”
“And what are your plans for the Summer?”
“YOUR PLAN FOR GETTING PAST THEM! I WAS BEING SARCASTIC. WHAT’S YOUR PLAN?” Alien lights roamed back and forth where they stood.
“See that? They’re looking for us now. They can’t see us. Look.” Blake pointed ahead where dark spirits rushed through the blue swaying lights. “I noticed these evergreens stay still. The red lights make everything look still. I don’t think they can see us moving in here.”
“Only one way to find out,” said Cade flashing him a smile. He crept to the edge of the red candle glaze and took out his blue shell. Then he stepped out into the green candle-lit forest row and flashed the light down slope. He slipped back into the red-lit row of still evergreens. Dark spirits flew down the slope following the alien lights. Cade turned to Blake. With eyes lit he said, “Let’s go.”
The two kids flew up the slope through the hazy red glow. Darkness fell over them as they jogged up the rocky slope curving up to the distant mountain top. Breaking moonlight flickered through the dark blue clouds racing across the sky a short distance over them. Eerie organ chords played at a bizarre rhythm striking the slope and the upper ridges harder and harder. Blake glanced back. The colourful candle lights danced and swayed in their rows among the ghostly green shapes under soft moonlight. An hour later, the two kids slowed down as they drew near to the top.
A tall, slender blue glowing alien tower stood on the far left with another one on the far right. The bizarre music boomed out back and forth between the two towers. Sharp green lights filling up massive grand windows appeared in the towers as they drew closer.
“See any aliens?” asked Blake.
“Stay in the shadows. They could be watching.” Organ music grew stronger and louder around them. The kids bumped fists as they reached the top.
“We made it,” said Blake.
“I guess this mountain isn’t too hard for BlackStar Students now is it?” Cade said with a smile.
“Those stupid aliens are probably still looking for us down there.” A bright blue light appeared just ahead on the flat summit with short dark green grass. The light looked like a massive fire burning in slow motion. Four fountains with bright shooting waters stood at each corner of the fire. Cade and Blake hurried over to the left fountain and got down low. They peered over the edge and saw a mysterious sight near the blue light. Cade and Blake exchanged confused looks before turning back. Near the blue light was a large model of the City of Carolmire.
“Why did they build that?” asked Blake.
“They’re studying it. That’s what they’re really doing here. They’re not here to make sure they don’t escape. They’re up here to study the people in Carolmire.”
“Why?” Sour organ chords played heavier in a broken rhythm on all sides.
“Because the aliens are missing something.” Turning to Blake with bright intensity, Cade continued, “They’re working on something secret in the mountains west of Cashes Dade. I haven’t figured out how to break through to see what they’re working on, until now.”
“You’re talking about the mysterious flashing lights?”
“Yeah. The aliens are missing something.” Breaking a smile, Cade added, “and I know what it is.”