More clusters of bright gold lights were lit up across the stadium as Damian worked his way up the field. The bright lights reflected across his short dark hair falling low almost hiding his intense eyes. His team was down 2-1 late in the game against their rival. There wasn’t much time left which meant only one thing: It was Damian Magic time. He passed to a teammate breaking open on the left, then he shot ahead, flying past the defenders, breaking wide open. His teammate passed him the ball. He worked his way toward the goal. He slowed down as three defenders closed in on him, then he gave a wink to someone in the far, dark corner of the stadiumā¦
It’s time for the next mystery challenge leading into the next book in the mystery series called:
Can you figure out what’s happening to the BlackStar Ranked Students of Cashes Dade? The aliens placed a mysterious fountain with intense, bright flashing lights that make a lot of students sick. This is what will lead to the event known as Bloody Friday. This is what will lead to the war. But there’s a key secret that will be revealed in the prophecy written near the end of this post. There is a word in the prophecy that offers another clue about what secret may be behind the aliens’ fountain lights. Can you figure it out? Leave a comment below if you think you know. The answer will be revealed in the next Character Fun Facts Feature. The key clue will be to watch Damian’s celebration and find out what the celebration isā¦
The three defenders closed in on Damian. He faked left, faked right, then sped off to the left, spun around, dribbled the ball between his feet, then slid back. The defenders went after the ball, but it wasn’t there. That’s when Damian flew past them up the field. He was like a blue streak. The goalie could barely react before Damian kicked the ball into the far right corner of the goal. Then he did his usual celebration, running in a spiral pattern first over to the sideline, picking up the Cashes Dade flag, then around the end of the field before circling in front of the goal and planting the flag on the field. He would finish with a salute to the crowd. A short time later, with only a few minutes left in the game, he stole the ball and flew down the field, passing back and forth with four other teammates. The goalie thought the player on the far left had the ball, but Damian did on the opposite side. The ball whizzed right past the stunned goalie. Damian did his usual celebration again, with his teammates flying around the field as well, lighting up the field, with his team winning 3-2. Then the alien fountain lights shot up high, appearing just behind the stadium. Damian gazed up at them in wonder before falling to the ground. He struggled to get home. He had the mysterious sicknessā¦
Earlier that day, Damian met with a younger student who had already come down with the illness. What’s bizarre is that he met with the student in secret. Only after Damian fell ill did his family and friends find out when the student told them about the visit, but he asked that his name not be revealed. Damian visited him to see how he was doing, give him a cake from the bakery, and talk about soccer plays. The young student was really into soccer and ships. He would focus really intensely on a few subjects like that, things he was interested in, but struggled to focus on the subjects the aliens considered important. That’s why they called him lazy and distracted. But he would spend hours and hours watching the ships, figuring out their schedules, where they had come from, where they were going, and how they worked. He liked watching them dock and make their deliveries. He even wrote up a complicated, new schedule for them to make their deliveries and figured out better routes for them by studying the waves and weather patterns. Many Cashes Dade businesses have actually followed his plans, finding them to be much more efficient. But he also had an idea for a soccer play, where they would pass the ball back and forth so many times, so fast, that they would confuse the other team, and lead to a score. But there was something else the young student told Damian that was particularly mysteriousā¦
Dazzling ripples will spread wider and wider out
Yet the flying student will discover a reason for doubt
Fast currents will split the waters of murky blue
where blazing ships try to find their way through
Glittering gold lights will reflect throughout the sea
in a spiral design revealing all that we can be
They’ll fly around so fast the ships will be lost
Chilling, dark mist will fall forming a brilliant frost
Watch the students who are seen as disruptive and loud
They are the glittering gold lights blazing through the dark cloud
He will see something no one else has yet seen
Being a blazing light will lead him to understand what they mean
The truth will be revealed when the spiraling lights conquer the sky
The aliens’ claim of great superiority is actually a lieā¦
Just as Damian was about to leave the young student, he started talking about the ships, how they came in from all kinds of directions. But then he began saying something that Damian couldn’t quite figure out, something mysterious. He just kept repeating the same phrase over and over again:
“They’re all glowing the same.”
“They’re all glowing the same.”
“They’re all glowing the sameā¦”