A quiet eerie whistling alien ship drifted slowly across the night sky, powering through the rough clouds mostly hiding the moon. The grand alien complex lit up in fiery green lights through the tall crystal windows. The alien structure had two high towers with a massive curve-shaped complex in between. Alien horns blared out across the mountains where Cade, Blake, and Drew were hiding down in the underground with the rest of the people of Cashes Dade. Blazing red triangular shaped alien ships flew in from various directions. Several aliens in glittering blue and white crystal suits stood on the balcony, staring down intensely with their burning white crescent moon eyes on the gathering crowd of dark spirits below. At the same time, Cade Mayson and the other two ghost strikers were struggling to find their way to a key point among the mountain maze. What are the aliens meeting for? What are they getting ready to do? While the aliens may be planning a major attack from all sides, Cade, Blake, and Drew are running out of time to figure out which mountain they can find protection from the aliens…
Its time to check out the next suspect. We’re on number four of seven. It’s important to remember there is no significance to the order of the suspects in these posts because they are being presented in alphabetical order by first name. Christy Caldade is one of the seven Cashes Dade Army Leads. One of them has to be the spy, because someone was seen talking to the dark spirits in the tunnels, getting ready to give away Cashes Dade’s key secrets. They couldn’t be seen or heard clearly enough to be identified, but a dark orange star patch was seen on their shoulder marking them as one of the seven leads. We will have seen four of the suspects after this post, with three more to be revealed. Have we seen the spy already? Or is the spy yet to be revealed? Leave a comment below what you think so far. But before we check out her profile and an intriguing story about her, it’s time to reveal the answer for the last mystery challenge. If you haven’t read the previous post called WHY DID THE ALIENS GO AFTER DAMIAN CASHDADE? check it out to see if you can solve the mystery for the post and perhaps even figure out the greater mystery of the alien fountain lights in Cashes Dade.
Here is the answer: The key word in the prophecy was: students
Someone else is with Cade and his friends getting ready to make their move, Christy Caldade. Does she know anything about what the aliens are secretly planning? Is Cade about to walk into a trap? Dark spirits are waiting…
Christy Caldade is short and thin with cropped blonde hair.
She is calm, quiet, and secretive.
She is really into mountain climbing, but doesn’t talk about it much or where she’s climbed.
She’s relatively quiet and shy, usually not saying too much and always talking in a soft, quiet tone.
She takes the fifth position in the formation for the army leads.
She has great battlefield vision, especially in confusing situations, and is great at spotting key details.
Christy owned a business of special medicines and bath products. Her dream is to have a great business that has all kinds of rare and special minerals that have great medicinal powers.
On a Saturday, several months before the first alien attack, Cade and Blake were playing around in the city, getting bored. They happened to be close to the Caldade Rare Treasures Shop and thought it looked pretty interesting. They decided to enter, but they had to enter the same way they always do, by bursting in like they’ve just escaped from a monster outside. When they pushed open the two glittering blue crystal doors with fancy designs carved across it, the two kids almost ran into a black marble table of fine minerals.
“HEY, hey,” Christy hurried over to the kids with a wide-eyed, anxious expression. “This is a quiet store,” she whispered. Cade and Blake slowly nodded, before turning to eachother, each flashing a look that said, “Looks like we have a new challenge.” Blue shimmering lights spilled in through the dark blue stained glass windows too dark to see through from the outside. Cade walked over to another table full of various glittering gold stones. He pointed excitedly. Blake half jogged over, bumping into another table, drawing looks from several old ladies sitting in a dark corner.
Christy glanced over at the kids from time to time while she whispered with someone in the far corner. Cade tapped his fingers on the next table anxiously in the unsettling quiet. Blake bumped into another table. He watched curiously as a lady stared at a row of soap bars for what seemed like an eternity.
“Hey, look at these,” Cade whispered, making his way to the soap table. Picking up several shimmering, sharp ones he said, “These could go pretty fast.” He started tossing them in the air. Christy placed a dark sheet over the corner table, then rushed over to them.
“You’re supposed to smell them, not throw them,” she said. Blake picked up a bright green one, sniffed it, then fell back against the wall.
“That was a strong one,” he whispered as Cade just placed his head in his hands. The two kids clumsily worked their way through the rest of the shop while Christy hurriedly took a blanket full of stones off a table and took it into the back…
The final clues are Christy’s three best known quotes:
“Keep it together”
“Make yourself useful”
“Find your own way”