Cade Mayson has been doing the same thing every night before he goes to sleep. He looks out his window and stares at the mysterious flashing green alien fires at the top of a mountain in the far north. The aliens have strongly forbid anyone, especially students, from exploring that mountain. Now, Cade has decided to find out for himself what the aliens are hiding at the top of the mountain. He believes he can solve the mystery. Can you?
There are five different paths leading to the top of the mountain. All five are defended by the aliens, but there is one path where it is possible to get through. The mystery challenge in the story will be figuring out which path is the one that has a way to get past the aliens and reach the top. Each chapter will have a mystery challenge to solve. The name of the path that Cade and Blake decide to take has a different meaning to the aliens, in other words, they have their own name for the path. The prophecy reveals the answer, while the story chapter will have clues to what the answer is. When you get that answer, it will lead to solving the mystery of which path can lead past their defenses to the top.
Here are the Five Paths:
“The aliens will stake their claim to the towering mountain top
They use mirrors to watch for intruders they need to stop
Dark shadows flash across the sharp stones and clay
They use their grand dreams to keep them away
The aliens have deep pools to keep away the citizens of Carolmire
Cade Mayson will have strong determination fire
The aliens have their lights that shine so bright
Cade’s mysterious movements flash across the night
The aliens have great ambitions to always be the best
Cade and Blake will be relentless in their mission quest”
Carolmire is a small kingdom of people who were ranked as BlackStar Students by the aliens. The aliens believed them to be complete failures and punished them by banishing them to live in this kingdom far up north where it’s cold all year. They have to mine for a special crystal that is delivered to the aliens who watch them from the mountain to make sure no one escapes. The citizens of Carolmire make the best of this by celebrating Christmas all year long. Every month in the last week they stay at home and celebrate Christmas. They have to work extra and a lot of overtime to make their quota for the aliens. All year you can see Christmas decorations and lights in their city, and you always hear them singing. Check out the first chapter to begin the story here:
Can you figure out which path it is? What do you think the aliens are hiding at the top?