“My name is Cade Mayson, and this is my response to the aliens’ big lie. My response won’t be like theirs, because it will reveal the truth so you can see it for yourself. I won’t go on and on and on like they do, well, at least not about some kind of fancy talk that no one can understand and doesn’t mean anything anyway. They say sometimes I start going off about some random thing, like maybe I talk about kites or something like that. I do talk about kites sometimes. There actually is a lot to say about them. I mean, some of them can really fly. This one time I saw this crazy, bright red kite in the shape of a star with a crazy face on it. It was a creepy looking face too, and it was looking down on all of us. This kite I’m telling you right now was insane. It just kept slowly drifting back and forth, back and forth. It went really high, but it kept shifting so that creepy face was staring right down at us. But let me tell you about this other kite I saw once, it was…well, never mind. What was I talking about? Oh, right, the aliens’ lie.
You see, they claim they are our heroes, our saviors, but what have they done? Have they defeated the dark spirits? Have they healed the dark illnesses? Hard to do that when you’re the ones creating them. They claim they are out there looking for answers, exploring the mountains to find new minerals that might heal the dark illnesses and maybe drive off the dark spirits. The aliens are doing all kinds of secret activities out there, but there is something mysterious that I think is a key clue that they are lying. Much more than looking for answers out in the land to find the resources to win the fight, they constantly watch us. More than anything, they seem to really want something from us…“
It’s time for the next mystery challenge. Look up the previous post titled: WHAT IS THE ALIENS’ BIG LIE? See their report and explanation of what they’re doing, then read Cade’s response and see if you can figure out who is lying. Leave a comment who you think it is and why. Tell us what you think the clues are. The answer will not be revealed in these posts, you’ll have to read the rest of the series to find out, but in this post, there will be a key clue of who’s lying, and that key clue will be revealed in the next post. Can you figure it out?
“The aliens claim their way is the best, the ONE WAY as they call it. Now give me a second to throw up. They don’t believe being creative and exploring new ways is the way to succeed and find the answers for defeating the dark spirits but let me tell you a story that proves they are wrong. Blake, Drew, and I once set out to climb a mountain called Sinking Peak. No one had ever reached the peak, not even the aliens. But there was a mineral near the top that made a powerful medicine against dark illnesses. But the mountain is made of really heavy soil that is really unstable. You can’t really climb it because when you walk on it, you just sink deep into it, which sounded cool to us. It seemed impossible, but we’re the ghost strikers, so we thought we could figure out how to climb it.
We started out heading west from the new Cashes Dade. We had to duck down into a hidden valley between two broad, rounded peaks holding alien towers. We had to be secretive because they wanted to capture anyone from Cashes Dade. But they weren’t going to see us under the blue dazzling, flowing sheets of cold icy mist covering the soft grass valley. We reached the row of ridges where a narrow river with rough dark blue waters and rapids cut through like a winding snake. The soil was really spongy, not sure if that’s a word, but whatever. It makes the grass really dark green and dull looking. It was really bouncy among the ridges, really soft so we could jump really, really high. Blake did cannon balls and flew really, really, and I mean really, high. Drew kept spreading out and falling back flat with arms out wide. It took us about five hours to make it to the top of the ridge. That would be about one hour to get across, and four hours of jumping. Then we looked out to figure out our next move.“
“Just ahead was a long, and I mean really long, flat field with large black rocks reflecting the gray lights pushing through the clouds all throughout. We usually would play hide and seek for hours in there, but we were on a mission. So after I won the hide and seek, we made our way to a broad mountain. We couldn’t really see what was past it. But we knew Sinking Peak was just past it. We looked up the long grassy slope covered in heavy forests of Sunday Evergreens, glowing blue among the large black shadows reflecting the streaming gray lights between in the chilly late afternoon. Dark gray clouds were flowing really low across the sky, making the Sunday Evergreens glow brighter, casting dark shadows through the lower forest floor up the slopes. We looked for a good path. Chilling winds brushed through the Sunday Evergreens, bending in opposite directions away from a large black shadow halfway up the slope. I smiled, knowing which way we were about to go, and knowing how much Drew would carry on about it. We entered the black tunnel cutting through the mountain.”
“We came out and saw a hidden soft grass valley leading directly up to Sinking Peak. Blue dazzling, flowing sheets cut through the bright green shimmering grass. They shifted and turned as we carefully worked our way across the fields. Okay, we weren’t that careful. We basically flew across. After a short time, we reached the mountain. When we thought about what we just did, racing across the valley, and as we looked up at the cold dark clouds rolling across the sky, and as we thought about how cold it was getting, and as it started to rain, and we thought about how much colder it would get that night, we all turned to each other and smiled. We knew sometime in the middle of the night; we would be standing on top of Sinking Peak.”
“I know a lot about the truth, but I know a lot more about lying. I know how to lie, and why people or aliens lie. But you see, the thing is, the best way to lie, is when it’s mostly true. The best way to lie, is when it’s actually true, just not in the way you think. Maybe they really did come to save us. Maybe the aliens aren’t really our true enemy.”
“Have you figured it out yet? Do you know how we did it? It’s a secret we keep from the aliens, but not from you. Are you ready? Are you sure? Okay, here it goes. You see, we noticed how the spongy grass on the soft grass field was now frozen solid when the icy mist fell over it. That’s when we realized if we waited for the freezing rains to fall, they would ice over the Sinking Peak soil and make it hard enough for us to climb up. We dug out some of the minerals for the medicine, then we reached the top. When we did, we planted the DadeStar flag at the summit. If you want to know who to believe, who is right, who is truly fighting for good, all you have to do is look toward the Sinking Peak summit. All you have to do is see that the flag is still there…”