Chase Casdade is a quiet, mysterious kid with a hidden energy that only comes out when he’s working on or playing the game he invented. He’s a struggling, BlackStar Student who has the awful sickness caused by the alien’s DadeLuce Fountain Lights. The aliens claim the lights aren’t really making students sick, but helping those who are struggling to find their way if they’re willing to work hard. The sickness is mysterious, but what’s even more mysterious is what happened right before Chase came down with the sickness…
It’s time for the next mystery challenge introducing various students from Cashes Dade who have come down with a terrible illness caused by the mysterious alien lights. This is why Cashes Dade citizens protested and since they were murdered, war has been declared. See if you can figure out how to help these students heal by solving the mystery of what’s really behind these alien lights. This mystery challenge will be to find the key word in the prophecy at the end, the one word that is the key clue of the prophecy. Keep track of all the key words and it will form a phrase that will solve the mystery. Can you figure out which word it is? Leave a comment below what word you think it is. The answer will be revealed in the next Character Fun Facts Feature. The key clue is that you must dig deep to find the word.
Chase Casdade has never seen the movie Office Space, nor does he know what a movie is, but when it comes to school and grades he says the same thing the main character says, “It’s not that I’m lazy, I just don’t care.” But the aliens claim he is lazy and perhaps just stupid because he doesn’t finish his assignments. He barely puts any effort into his projects and he doesn’t study for tests. What he does care about is his game called “War of the Worlds.” Do you like playing certain card games or video games? Are they complicated or difficult to explain, especially to adults? Do you ever get in trouble trying to play any of those games at school like Chase has? Leave a comment below. The aliens claim he must be either too lazy or too stupid to understand complicated concepts, but his game is just about the most complicated game ever invented, and he’s the only one who understands the entire game.
In this game, there is a large paper showing seven countries with a bunch of cities and key places marked on the map. They’re drawn on the map in bright colours. Each city, place, and country is worth a certain number of points. The point of the game of course is to capture the entire world, placing your kingdom marker on every city and place in every country. They all have made up names that are kind of hard to pronounce. Each player begins with the same amount of citizen and resource cards, and money. In other words, they each start with a group of people, some key resources like food, water, supplies, medicines, etc. and the same amount of money. Then they start the game. They also divide up playing cards and go head to head. These are initial battles. It’s like the card game “War” except they choose the card to play and decide how many cards to put at stake. Whoever wins gets those cards. Then they use those cards to turn their people into soldiers of various ranks, and get weapons. They can also trade in other resources for this purpose. It’s basically a game that’s half monopoly, half risk. Are you starting to get confused? Well, guess what? We’re only just getting started…
There are all kinds of things that can happen during these card battles depending on what cards you play. It isn’t just about having the higher card, it’s about the right combination. Certain combinations you have vs. certain combinations they have can earn certain soldiers, weapons, resources, and even places on the map. Each card can mean different things depending on what the other card is. See? I told you it’s complicated. One of Chase’s favorite things is to actually play this game during school with the other students, but they have to be pretty stealthy to pull it off.
One day Chase was playing his game at a table on the side of the channel in the city with a few other kids. Dark gray clouds streamed across the sky through the calm, warm day. Pale shafts of gray light blended with the massive green shimmering alien towers looking down over the city. As they played, the game got more and more intense. Then other kids started joining in, and the game got really intense as they all got really into it, all wanting to take over Chase’s made-up world. That’s when the DadeLuce Fountain lights of the aliens suddenly burst out and struck Chase directly, knocking him back. He’s been sick ever since…
They have a dark secret, whispers in the night
It’s what they try to hide, far out of sight
The key is in the alien lights shining strong
They shine so brilliant you can’t stare for long
But there’s a reason they don’t want you to look
They are afraid of what you might read in the book
Cade discovered a clue yet to be revealed
There is a twist regarding how to be healed
The lights hide a secret buried right under the glare
But it’s not at the flashing lights you should stare
The glare of the alien lights are not for what’s there
They hate what they can’t see behind the stage
You see, their lights are looking for the hidden page…