They waited for the swift darkness of evening to fall over the serene valley. Cade stared intensely at the ghost-like evergreens dancing in the splintered moonlight. Blake glanced up at the raging skies. Neon green lights on massive alien towers danced to the rhythm of an epic song. Dark shadows crept across the lower forest floor. The three kids waited for the signal in the distance. The white marble castle glowed softly in the falling dark. The signal lit up in the distance, shooting up high into the sky. Cade shot up the winding steps. He faked left, then jumped across to another staircase. Blake powered up the narrow steps, skipping as many as he could, counting quietly to himself. Drew flew up the steps almost dancing. Then two distant bright lights shot out in their direction. The three kids hid down at the top of a platform with a circular wall around them. The two fiery gold lights blazed across the night sky, searching, searching for them…
The mountain range that runs along the western coast of DarkCorner Land is called the Blackstone Mountains simply because they are made of black stone, but they hold many mysteries. They run past both Cashes Dade and Marcaydas. Cade and Blake explore and climb these mountains a lot, despite many warnings from the aliens. They are medium-sized mountains, like the Rocky Mountains in America. They are larger than the Appalachian mountains, but smaller than the Himalayas. They have mostly rocky, long slopes that aren’t that steep until closer to the top, then they get rockier and steeper. This is the part Cade and Blake like the best. Most of the blackstone is really smooth.
Most times Cade and Blake have gone exploring and climbing in the mountains, they come across some kind of alien activity. They don’t exactly try to avoid it, but they do try to remain unseen by alien eyes. Sometimes you can see alien lights flashing, reflecting in the smooth black stone faces of the mountains, especially the steep parts. What’s really bizarre is they reflect alien lights that are really far away. One time Cade and Blake were climbing up a relatively long, steep slope that was completely smooth like glass, with only some cracks here and there. That’s how they moved up, by putting their feet in the cracks and working their way up from there. Aliens had warned BlackStar Students not to ever try to climb this mountain, claiming it was too dangerous and took too much skill for BlackStar Students to climb it. After this lecture, Cade and Blake looked at each other and smiled. They knew they had to climb it now and prove that these two BlackStar Students could get it done. But they would soon discover the real reason the aliens didn’t want them climbing there.
This was a really tough mountain. The first long slopes were made of gravel like stones. Cade and Blake realized you had to really dig in to move up without sliding back. Blake figured out the best path to the top was up the grooves. Cade figured out how to move up the glass-like slope leading to the final rocky slope to the top by climbing in and near the cracks where the glass was rougher, and you could get a foothold. As they made their way close to the top, they saw flashing alien lights. Then they began to see dead, ghostly faces appear in the smooth stone. They appeared to be in a circle, talking like they were having a meeting. Then the kids heard one of them whisper something. Cade and Blake raced their way to the top with Cade jumping dramatically over the last stone to reach the top just before Blake who just rolled his eyes at Cade’s unnecessary jump which was followed by rolling over ten times. The kids celebrated, then took a good look around, seeing the lower mountains spread out for miles, but they couldn’t see where the alien lights were coming from. They couldn’t figure out where the ghostly meeting was taking place.
There’s something mysterious happening in the deep mines west of Marcaydas. People see aliens leading lines of BlackStar Students into the mountain going somewhere secret deep in the mines. If you are ranked BlackStar for a long enough time without doing better and moving up to a higher ranking, then you start to receive punishments. These students have to work long hours in the mines with no breaks and no pay. They’ve been strictly warned not to report where they are mining or what’s going on or there will be severe punishments for them as well as their families and friends. There’s something the aliens are hiding in these mines, and the Cashes Dade Ghost Strikers are determined to find out what it is.
The aliens made a crystal crown that is fueling a deadly, dark illness spreading among the students in Daylustar. Soon they will light up the crystal crown which will cause this dark illness to reach all the kingdoms. All the students, especially BlackStar Students like Cade, Blake, and Drew will be in danger of coming down this fatal, mysterious illness if they don’t destroy it before it’s too late. Cade, Blake, and Drew are determined to find a way. They don’t care what they have to do to sneak past the defenses and destroy it. But the problem is it’s set on top of a massive statue, floating in mid-air. How can they reach it? Can they throw something up there to knock it down? Is there an invisible staircase to reach it? Is it an illusion and the crown is really somewhere else they can reach? Is there a way they can knock the entire statue down to bring the crown down as well? How did they make it? Where did they get the gold stone to build it? What are they trying to hide in the mines? Leave a comment below if you have a guess. Do you know how they can destroy the deadly crystal crown? Check out the link below to find out more about the story and see the prophecy that gives clues to how they can destroy it. Can you figure it out?

When Cade and Blake reached the top of the mountain, they couldn’t see the alien lights or the ghostly faces, but they could still hear the whispering, and some of it was clear. They heard one ghostly voice whisper this:
“What if they see us here? What if they figure out who we really are?”