The audience sat in silent anticipation, waiting for the curtains to draw back and the play to start. Massive dark orange lit candle clusters shaped like castles hung in various corners of the playhouse casting dim flickering lights across the wide dark audience. The rosy red curtains laced with gold designs lit up at the bottom and the top. They waited to see the play, but mostly they waited to see him, a 12 year old named Austin Candor, who was playing a supporting role in the play. They couldn’t wait to see the play, but mostly they couldn’t wait to see what crazy thing he would do this time. A buzz of excitement shot through the audience when they began to hear ghostly singing behind the curtains where a bright blue glow slowly appeared. Behind the curtains, Austin Candor was getting ready, getting ready to steal the show. But that wouldn’t be the only thing he would steal.

It’s time to introduce a new character who will appear in a later story in the series:
First, it’s time to reveal the answer for the last mystery challenge. If you haven’t read it yet, check out the previous post, HOW CAN CADE DESTROY THE ALIENS’ WEAPON? See if you can solve the mystery. Here is the answer, the key question that reveals a clue about how Cade and the ghost strikers can destroy the aliens’ crsytal crown that’s set on top of a massive statue hovering high in mid-air. The answer is this:
Why is the statue floating in mid-air?
Did you figure it out? It’s time to meet Austin Candor. Leave a comment below telling us what you think about him. Are you like him? Do you know anyone like him?

Austin Candor is always moving, constantly, even when he sleeps, if he sleeps which has not been proven yet. When he’s in school, he’s either playing the drums on his desk, kicking a small spongy ball back and forth with his feet, and swaying back and forth on his chair. Often times he leans so far back you think for sure he’s going to fall but he never does. He loses a lot of points because of his struggle to sit still and stay seated for long periods of time. Austin is relatively short and slim with short dark brown hair that shifts slightly to the right just over part of his eyes. That is, dark brown is his original hair colour, but usually he has it coloured something different. He has bright, energetic eyes that seem to be always moving as well. Austin is a kid who is always on the move. You never know where he will go or where his mind will go.

Austin Candor is from the Kingdom of Dascade Iris, with the City of Camdaysiah. This is the northernmost kingdom in DarkCorner Land. He has a few struggles that some of the other kids think are strange. He is really afraid of being in enclosed places. He is scared to death of getting crushed or buried alive. Anytime he goes to a restaurant or store, he has to know where every exit is. Then he’s constantly making sure the aisle is clear to make a quick getaway, and he’s always checking the roof to make sure it looks sturdy. He keeps windows open in his room even in the winter which is extremely cold in Camdaysiah.

Austin has to check everything he does, many times. He is really afraid of making mistakes. When he turns an assignment in to his teacher, he does the same thing every time. He starts to hand it in, then pulls it back, checking all the spelling and grammar. Then he hands it to them, then pulls it out of their hands, making sure he didn’t skip anything or miss any part of the assignment. Then he hands it to them, starts walking away, then quickly turns around to find the teacher holding it out for him because they already know he has to check it again, looking over all the answers. Then he lets out a long, slow sigh before walking away dramatically with his head down, whispering to himself. You would think something really tragic must have happened.

Austin can be really hard to follow, in more ways than one. When he’s talking to you, he’ll all the sudden wonder if he remembered to lock his door when he left, or leave his door to his room open, or close his window, or clean up after breakfast. He’ll talk it through, then go back to saying what he was talking about before, then go back again to his concern of what he might have forgotten to do back home, and so on. He always wants to leave doors open so he’ll often check several times as he’s leaving a room to make sure it’s still open. Sometimes he even has to stare at it for long moments to make sure. He repeats things a lot in case you didn’t hear it or weren’t paying attention to it before. Oddly enough, you will need to repeat what you say to him because he spaces out a lot for some of the reasons already shown here, but also because he’s thinking about being on stage.

When Austin Candor is on stage he is at home. He never gets the lead role because they never think he will fit the role, but people come to see him more than anyone else. You never know what he’s going to do. He never says all the lines quite right, but often at a certain point in the play he’ll add something to it, going off with a long, but entertaining speech. He also likes to mess with the props; throwing them, falling into them, climbing them…Austin always takes the play to the next level.

The sky looks like flowing red curtains as Cade, Blake, and Drew hide down on the ridge overlooking the alien school of Daylustar on the night of the concert. They hope they can figure out how to sneak past their defenses, destroy the crystal crown, and then find their way out. But time is quickly running out. While they are getting ready to complete this impossible mission, Austin is making his way to the concert…

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