Everyone in DarkCorner Land knows the story of Jake Dasmayer. Jake was a miner when the people first came to these haunted lands. He was from the Kingdom of Daymardon with the City of Heyvas Cadamar. He had rough, long dark hair with a hardened face. He was a mysterious person, really quiet and secretive. If he says something to you, you might not hear it because it will be quiet and kind of a shock, but you better listen because if you ask him to repeat himself he will just turn and walk away. He was a great miner, able to figure out how to get anywhere and find anything. They say he found gold, a lot of gold, and hid it somewhere in a secret bunker deep within the network of underground tunnels in DarkCorner Land. The question is, where did he hide it?

Jake Dasmayer seemed to disappear after he supposedly found his gold. No one knows where he went to live, but he mysteriously appeared in various places. Check out the page DARKCORNER LAND to see the map of where these places are located. As mysteriously as he would appear, even more mysterious would be his disappearance. Every time people tried to track him down, and every time, he slipped away…

His first appearance was in the Kingdom of Masondom, in the City of Lunas Everias. Masondom is a kingdom of northern ranchers where they raise animals and a few crops. They’re known for being awesome horse riders. They hold unbelievable races and events where people do all kinds of tricks while riding fast. The entire city is built into the hills, mostly going far underground. They’re made out of heavy clay they dig up in the land. Jake showed up at a general store, standing in one place for long moments, tapping his feet and his hands at his sides at a slow, steady rhythm until finally deciding on a fine, orange coloured blasting powder. Some people whispered about what mysterious music was he listening to since no music was playing?

Close to this kingdom is an underground compound made of clay. It’s a massive oval-shaped cavern with ten outer circular underground rooms on the outside border. Fancy lamps with fast-paced flickering gold lights barely keep this underground complex lit.

Another place Jake showed up was at a mining shop in the Kingdom of Daymindon, City of Heyvas Camaras. The city is made of massive spear-shaped towers of blue and white dazzling marble set among the mountains, rising higher and higher blending together and with the towering mountains. This mining shop is located at the top of the tallest mountain. It’s the busiest and most popular place in the kingdom because of the high over-look and restaurant with the hopeful, energetic, fast-paced fiddle music. Jake tapped his shoes and swayed to the soaring music as he picked up a pick ax. Several citizens followed him directly out of the shop getting ready to follow him down the long winding staircase inside the mountain, but when they entered the staircase only a few seconds after him, he was gone…

Daymindon has a vast underground tunnel network lined with dark orange lit lanterns that sway in the chilling winds. It’s a vast maze leading to many distant chambers.

Jake’s final appearance was in the Kingdom of Cadendas in the City of Heyvas Caradames. Cadendas is a musical kingdom where people go to the mountain tops and sing in choruses back and forth. The city is made of pure blue glass with the most unusual designs built in circular rows around and through the mountains connected by various rope bridges. You have to be pretty bold or crazy to walk across the rope bridges going high over the valleys. They sway a lot in the winds. It’s kind of like a roller coaster ride. Would you go across them? Leave a comment below and let us know if you would or what similar crazy things you’ve done. Jake appeared in the mining shop near the mountain top, shuffling his feet in a varied pattern on the blue glass floor. He bought a shovel when people cornered him. But he pushed through the crowd and went flying down one of the rope ladders disappearing into heavy mist…

There’s a similar underground network connected with the rock solid, smooth stone tunnels digging deep under the mountains of Daymindon booming in a slow, steady rhythm. It’s dimly lit by the same dark orange lantern lights swaying to the bright, energetic, fast-paced music echoing through the halls from all directions. No one ever found him again, or his gold…

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