Breaking blue moonlight spilled through the clouds streaming fast across the October night sky. Deep booming began in the distance from beyond the ridged mountain top ahead. It was low with a strange, constantly changing rhythm. Cade waited for the dark gray mists ro begin rising up the slopes. He glanced around at the still pockets of slim, short Carres Evergreens glowing neon green in the silent night. When the mists began to rise he got his three stones ready. He quickly threw them up the slope one after another, skipping them along the upper stones. Dark spirits slowly emerged against the spilling blue moonlight from behind each pocket of Carres Evergreens. Cade slowly broke a smile.
It’s time for the next mystery challenge. We join Cade Mayson as he explores in the mountains west of Cashes Dade at night. He’s been seeing bizarre flashing lights and hearing mysterious sounds coming from somewhere out here. He believes there is some kind of secret alien activity going on. They told students like him not to explore in these mountains, but that’s not going to stop Cade. In fact, if you want Cade to do anything, just tell him he can’t. About a year ago, the aliens attacked Cashes Dade murdering 20,000 people out of the 60,000 people who lived there. They gave no warning and not much explanation. The aliens claimed the people had to be killed because they were dangerous, working with dark spirits to create deadly illnesses. Cade believes they’re working on something to try and finish them off. He believes they are evil because of the unfair way they run their schools, punishing students who can’t succeed in the exact way the aliens believe is right, and because they murdered 20,000 people with no proof that they were dangerous. Cade wants to learn their secrets to figure out what they’re really doing here and how they can be defeated.
The mystery challenge will be figuring out which alien tower reveals a clue about how they can be defeated. The key will be to look for what is smart, what makes sense. Leave a comment below if you think you know the answer. It will be revealed in the next Character Fun Facts Feature. Can you figure it out? Once Cade gets an idea what the aliens are doing and where, he’ll get his best friend Blake to join him in spying on the alien activity. It will take some convincing, Blake will probably say he’s not going, it’s too risky, even though he can be just as crazy as Cade, sometimes even more. Cade will just smile and nod. Blake will shake his head defiantly. Then Blake will just find himself going with Cade to check out what the aliens are doing out here in the dark. But first, Cade has to make his way up the mountain.
Cade took a look at the dark spirits gathered at the clusters of Carres Evergreens on the left and on the right up the slope. Dark gray mist rose up in thick clouds across the upper slope. “Now you see me, now you don’t,” he said quietly as he scrambled up the slope in the heavy mists. He jumped from stone to stone up the long slope to the top. Chilling winds rushed across the high rocky slope. Dark gray mists faded away. Cade dropped down within the stones. He gazed up as he heard music playing in the far distance. A lady was singing a sad, drifting song but with a mysterious hope playing within. Fiddles and drums played the slow, drifting melody behind her singing. A neon green light flashed slowly around from behind the mountain top. Cade stared with a curious, intrigued expression, his eyes raised and almost slanted at the same time. He looked around to see slim shadows roaming the slope on his right and to his left. He took out another set of stones and threw them far to his left, skipping across the larger stones. He smiled. Dark spirits to his right quickly drifted in his direction. He quickly dropped down between the large stones. A loud groaning sound dragged behind the mountain. A sour horn blared out. The dark spirits glided past. Cade slowly looked up to see them all flying across the slope on his left. He smiled brightly, then waving goodbye he said, “See you later. Good luck trying to find me.”
Cade flew up the final slope, his feet barely touching the rocks as he made his way to the top. Blue lights flashed rhythmically from a half stadium shaped tower far in the distance beyond the mountains. Cade stared out across the rolling hills below where dark mists hung like a flowing sheet over the grounds. The mysterious distant song grew faster with the whining fiddles playing a bright, energetic song. The lady’s voice sounded like a drifting, haunting spirit but singing a bright dream. Several red towers appeared briefly moving across the hills in the far right corner. Whistles played out a short distance behind him. Cade looked around and hurried over to a cluster of stones. He kicked a few small stones down slope as he scrambled up to his hiding spot. He put his fingers to his lips and motioned for the stones to be quiet.
He watched the flowing darkness below where he began to hear some kind of whining sounds at a fast-paced rhythm. An alien voice rang out in a drifting, haunting, but hollow sound, echoing across the wide valley. Cade watched with a bizarre, half-curious, half-concerned expression. Then a massive, slim tower in neon green shimmering light appeared among the hills. Dark, slim figures appeared near the bottom, moving around in rapid, sharp movements. As the lady continued singing a brilliant neon green light appeared at the top of the slim tower and began slowly roaming across the distant mountains to the left, slowly sweeping back and forth.
Dark spirits appeared at the top of the mountain. “What took you so long?” Cade asked quietly. Cade scrambled out. Then he hit his blue shell lighting it up in blue shine. He pointed it at himself and said in a loud voice, “Looking for me?” The spirits turned in his direction. He sprinted along the top. Then Cade faked left as he put the light out before diving to the right. He scrambled fast along the top until he disappeared over the edge. He glanced back. The dark spirits glided off to the other edge. Cade smiled and hurried down the slope, clapping and nodding rhythmically.
Tomorrow night Cade will return with Blake to spy on the alien activity. This is where the first story in the new mystery series begins called:
Find out what mysterious sight the two kids will discover in the first scene in
Learn more about the story and how you can get it by clicking on this link:
Will they be able to spy on the aliens without getting caught? What mysterious sight will they see? What will they discover about the aliens and their plans to destroy them? What happens as they try to get away unseen will change their lives forever…