I went out to climb the same mountain I’ve done before a few times, the one to the right of Blodgett Peak. I got to the top and saw a peak in the distance that I wanted to get to so I went along the ridge and made my way to the top and found out that it was Blodgett Peak! The trail was steep. It was a tough climb, but it was awesome.
I’m not sure this is the best time to bring up 911. I don’t think anyone will forget the line, “We have some planes.” When I was climbing the Air Force was flying planes in the area. I could hear them, but I couldn’t see them. It was a reminder of how strong my country is. We have a lot of planes. There’s a lot of evil in this world, but there are many other great countries in this world as well. I was reminded that there is a lot of good in this world and we have a lot of power.