On a blazing red March night, 12 year old Austin Candor made his way fast out of Daylustar. He hurriedly got in his boat docked at the Caras Dayermore docks near the alien school entrance. Reflections of bright golden star lights danced across the creamy blue pool. Austin drove his boat fast down the channel through the gloomy city. Green ghostly faces stared at him with completely blank faces through dusty dark blue crystal windows. Austin glanced at them with a half-curious, half-anxious expression before shaking his head sharply and looking away with a wave as if to make them disappear. He soon pushed his boat into the fast moving current down the massively wide river.
Sleek blue triangular alien ships blazed across the sky in various directions over Caras Dayermore leaving trails of fire across the night. Austin kept glancing back seeing bright alien lights roaming, searching the city, as he moved fast out of Marcaydas. He tried to process what had happened. The aliens hyped up the concert so much, inviting citizens from every country to attend, saying they would see the greatest concert the world has ever seen with unbelievable talent. But the aliens had something much more sinister in mind with this concert. When Austin found his way out of his dark dream, using his intense observation skills to figure it out, he discovered the real reason for the concert. They were looking for something, something they were missing…
Before we continue with this intriguing kid from Dascade Iris, it’s time to reveal the mystery challenge from the last post. The question was which city in the dark dream should Austin go to? The clues were there, were you able to pick up on them? Did you figure it out? Here is the answer:
The second city
Austin is all about speed. He hates it when he has to slow down to check things out, like making sure a bridge is going to hold, or making sure he kept certain doors open or closed, or checking to make sure he has a good escape plan if the place he’s inside of should collapse. But otherwise, he’s a kid on the move, and he moves fast. Sometimes he will just fly past you appearing like a lightning streak shooting by. He never really walks, even when he’s walking it’s pretty much a jog. Good luck keeping up with him because he will break into a run at any moment and just sprint up the path or up the steps. In fact, he’ll run up anything no matter how steep.
He also has great parkour skills even though parkour hasn’t been invented yet where he’s from. He likes to find the craziest and most fun way to get from one place to the next; jumping from table to table, running along the railing going up the staircase, climbing up shelves and jumping to his desk in school. Sometimes, he takes it too far, like trying to scale the school wall by stacking up boxes and trash cans thinking he could climb up those to get to the second floor window and enter his class that way. It didn’t end so well…the first time anyway…but by his seventh try he managed to find sturdy enough trash cans and boxes to stack so he could make it, and it only took three hours. There may be a time in the future when he will need his speed skills and parkour skills to get away from dark spirits.
Austin is also a really fast talker. He transitions from one topic to another to another amazingly fast. It can be quite difficult to follow if you’re not used to it. Funny thing is, if you ask him to repeat himself, he’ll look shocked like he can’t believe you couldn’t understand it. If you tell him to talk slower he’ll look even more confused. Many times he gets upset at his friends for supposedly forgetting something important he told them when most likely they just missed it since he says so much.
Austin also thinks fast and reacts faster. This is what makes him so fun to watch in the plays. At some point he will probably change the lines and the actions in the play and do something crazy. He has a way of showing the others how to respond to it. Sometimes they just keep saying the lines as they were and he finds a way to make that work too. In the future, he might find himself in a crazy play, a play designed by the aliens.
Austin has quite a strong fear of getting trapped, either by getting surrounded by some enemy or a place he’s in just collapsing and getting buried under the rubble. In fact, whatever you do, don’t say the words collapse, fall, trap, or bury around him or he will get really agitated. He’ll stare at you with a gaze like his eyes are on fire until you look away. When he enters a new place, he will check for where the doors are, or windows, and figure out the fastest ways he can leave if necessary. He’ll stare up at the ceiling and structure making sure it’s going to hold up well. He hates lights that are held up by some kind of rope because seriously those could fall at any moment.
Sometimes kids give him a hard time or even make fun of his anxieties and constantly checking things, but when they tell him he’s crazy for acting like that, he just tells them they’re right. He jokes about his need to check the structures and exits, and just has fun with it. Then he lets his cool and fun ideas like entering through windows show kids he really is kind of crazy, but cool at the same time. There’s more to Austin’s speed than just running and thinking fast. His speed means he’s always thinking ahead, and seeing important things before anyone else does, like the aliens’ dark secret.
When Austin was in his dark dream, he heard music playing, but it sounded different. He had never heard music like that before. It had a bright energy that kept rising higher and higher. It was this music that helped him figure out how to escape his dark dream. Ever since then, he’s been watching the aliens closely, and he’s discovered that in one of their towers they’re holding something incredibly valuable to them, and he’s planning on stealing it…